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Archive for the ‘OCD’ Category

Backing stuff up is serious business

Thursday, November 29th, 2012 at 3:15 am

I recently bought 2x 3TB External Hard drives…for backup purposes.
For me, being as careful as I am, I need 2 backups. That’s always been my plan..though right now, I only use 1. Backups are the type of thing that you regret not having when it’s too late. I can’t be caught unprepared!

My plan is:
4 frequent backups of important files a year
1 backup of important files + less important files a year

Both sets of files above, including the drive with the original files, will mean I need 3 Hard Drives.
Because you never know when your hard drive might fail and it’s happened enough to me, and my friends, to know I can’t be caught unprepared.
And you never know, someone might break in to your place and steal your computer too…

Realistically speaking, these are my “need to backup frequently, cannot be replaced” items.
80 GB of VHS tape conversions
35 GB of Backup files (can’t be replaced, accumulated in the past 16 years – seriously, i still have .wav files from 1996…)
19 GB of Development files (all my professional and personal web stuff and photoshop stuff…20 GB worth of files)
29 GB of Camera Photos
It’s only…about 160 GB worth

My “Nice to backup” includes
36 GB of Kotobishouho Bishoujo PSDs and images (and this is only like, 1/6 of the files)
17 GB of images/”my stuff” (cool images from anime, comics, fav artists, etc)
17 GB of Anime Intro/Outro files (i can re-make these, if required…though I wouldn’t want to)
40 GB of Programs
That’s about 110 GB

And then all my media files:
22 GB Comics
6 GB Manga
542 GB Movies
21 GB Music
2.55 TB (Terabytes) of Anime, Cartoons, and Shows
and while that totals a lot, 80% of it can be re-obtained so I don’t care if I lose them. I just need to create an inventory list of these items with a little help from my friend Command Prompt: dir /b /s > inventory.txt

Anyways, I need to figure out, how these hard drives will all work together. so that I can backup my stuff on 2 separate hard drives. And for the one I only do once/year, I will try to keep it unplugged and far away from my other computer stuff.


I know it sounds SO OVERKILL but as a person who spends…a lot of time on the computer, I really don’t want to risk losing my stuff.

Okay, that’s all. Need to sleep, have a 1.5 hours development presentation tomorrow (that I’m leading)! YIKES!

Tire Gauge

Friday, December 17th, 2010 at 2:44 am

So, I took the last 3 days off (used vacation days). Why?

All 3 days have some sort of Holiday Potluck/Gift Exchange/Social Gathering. Well, all 3 days have some type of social gathering/mingling thing. And let me say, I hate that stuff. I would rather code for 4 hours than do 30 minutes of social mingling. I would rather work overtime on Friday night than mingle with people I never talk to or people I’m never going to talk to again. I hate the idea that corporations or departments want everyone to be friends. To force them. I don’t understand why they don’t get that we’re merely co-workers. Any friendship being created should be natural and not forced.

I guess I just hate mingling with people, people that I don’t know, people that I wouldn’t talk to outside of work. I’m paid to develop, not to talk. If I wanted to be social, I would have been….I dunno, but not a developer. Granted, this is a very…extreme point of view of social recluse (me).

I do social things with non-friends (read: coworkers) sometimes. And they’re okay. So these gatherings aren’t the only reason I took these days off.

The other reason is: gift exchanges.

Now, I’m the type of person that….well, remembers when I’ve been wronged. I remember if someone has pissed me off, I rarely forget stuff like that. I’m stubborn and I hold a grudge forever. It’s not mature, it’s not rational, but it’s me.

I remember when I was in art class in elementary school. I had brought in a Mega Man Nintendo Power and was using it for artistic reference. My friend decided to take his exact-o knife and cut a 0.5cm cut on one of the pages. For what reason, I could only fathom. Idiocy comes to mind. But the result was clear: I was furious. You let someone touch your stuff and they’re idiots, they don’t care what happens to it, it’s not their stuff. Common courtesy is something the average person lacks, imo.

When I was in highschool, I had just purchased a brand new Garfield book. This dude spilt a can of Sprite all over the book (I had the book less than 1 hour!) and all the pages got wrinkly and wavey. He didn’t apologize or anything, he just insisted: “It’s alright”. Well, yes, I could still read it…but the pages were all wrinkled and wobbly when they dried. The book, which was new when I got it, was no longer new because of someone’s accident. But y’know accidents happen, it’s the lack of apologizing and admitting that bothers me. What is “alright” to them is not alright to me.

When I was in University, I had accidentally thrown out my credit card in my garbage. My mother, every Wednesday night, collected all the garbage in the house and put it in a big black garbage bag. Being Wednesday, she had done it, and I was unaware my credit card had mixed in with all the garbage. Realizing my mistake later that night, I went to the garbage bag only to see my credit card cut up into slices. Confused, I confronted my mom asking: “Why did you cut up my credit card?!”. She said “Well, you were throwing it away so I thought I should cut it up”. Fair enough. I asked “If you were going to cut it up, couldn’t you have asked me about it before cutting it? Maybe check the date on the card, check that it hadn’t expired yet”. She replied with “I did check the date, the card was expired”. Except….you know what, the card wasn’t expired. She read the date and didn’t do the math or the logic or whatever it is that your brain does to determine if a date is in the past or future. She just…man, she didn’t think. She saw the credit card in the trash and rather than simply ask me
a) Did you mean to throw your credit card out?
b) Did you want me to cut this credit card up?
she just did it. So I had to get a new credit card…
Not only that, but why was she going through my trash in the first place?! (again, something my mom did that really pissed me off).

It bothers the fuck out of me when shit happens and affects me, which isn’t my fault, but because people don’t
a) think (because they’re idiots)
b) care (because what’s not theirs doesn’t matter to them)
Whatever retarded karma or whatever that is really bothers me, that someone’s ridiculously avoidable mistake or error in judgement or idiocy could negatively affect my life.

Okay. Relax. I went off track. I will write more on this later (it’s actually a post I’ve had in my drafts for a while now).

Getting back to: I remember when I’m wronged and gift exchanges.

Last year, in my department gift exchange, I got a terrible gift. I mean, there’s alcohol, that’s whatever. There’s tons of that. There’s some other stuff that
a) has a christmas theme
b) is related to food, can be used around the house (a bowl or a sushi set).
Well, last year, I got the most useless gift ever.

A Tire Gauge.

This one:

Definitely the worst gift for a number of reasons:
1. Who the Fuck NEEDS a Tire Gauge?
2. Who the Fuck WANTS a Tire Gauge?

Needless to say, I got the gift, which nobody wanted to trade me for, and which might possibly be the worst gift I’ve ever gotten in my life ever. What stings is that I also spent $20 to get a gift someone else might have actually wanted. I basically see it that I purchased this WORSE THAN USELESS (because useless would be something that was “meh”…but this is worse than useless because it makes me ANGRY everytime I think about it) gift.

So, given me, the fact that I hold grudges forever and never forget stuff, I’ve sworn off these gift exchange events.

The reason why I don’t let people touch my stuff, books, toys, whatever, the reason why I’m OCD is…I trust people and they disappoint me. And when I get disappointed, I try never let myself feel that again. I learn my lesson quickly, burned once is all it takes, and I take precautions never to be burned again.

/thinks I need to start making a RAGE category…cuz man, I got lots of those.

Things my mom would do that pissed me off

Saturday, December 11th, 2010 at 12:58 am

Prepare for rant.
I’m partly a terrible son, I partly feel justified in my ramblings…

1. She would always freeze bread and bagels immediately.
Just purchased fresh bagels? They go in the freezer. Bread from the grocery store? They go in the freezer. Chinese coconut bread? That goes in the freezer.

It would be super annoying because I would want to: make a sandwich, eat a bagel, eat something quick…but I would have to wait for it to thaw or defrost it in the microwave. The thing is…she would even put fresh bagels in the freezer immediately. Doesn’t that negate the purpose of a fresh bagel? Why inconvenience everyone, including herself, by doing something avoidable? I’ll never understand this one….

2. She wouldn’t follow the cooking instructions for recipes.
She wouldn’t put the right amount of salt or butter in Kraft dinner macoroni and cheese….and then would get mad that I would complain or not eat it. My reasoning is that I would eat it, if it were made properly. But she was trying to feed me “healthier” food…which I wouldn’t eat at all. It was very cyclical.

The mac and cheese would always be super lumpy (because there was no butter) and bland (because there was no salt).

Imagine going to McDonalds and instead of getting a Big Mac combo, they gave you
1. Slices of ham/turkey instead of a juicy burger
2. Fries that were unsalted
3. Water instead of a pop/soda.


Imagine asking for a rare or medium-rare steak, and having it come out well done because the chef thought “red meat is bad for you”.

Okay, in both these scenarios, it’s as if I’m ordering food from a service…which my mom was definitely not. I can see how I look like the terrible son for this one…but I gotta say, the whole thing would be avoided if she used the correct recipe that the manufacturer intended her to use. So I still blame this childhood rage on her…I see it as avoidable.

3. She would go through my trash that I would throw out and open my mail.
I would throw out a pencil because I didn’t like it…and would find it on my desk again after “trash day”. I would throw out paper that was dog-eared on the corners and not usable to me anymore, and I would find it back on my desk or in her room after trash day. She occasionally opened my mail until I got mad at her…and since that yelling/rage/white-hot-rage-blackout (i kid on the last one) incident, has asked me whenever she was going to open my mail (which would occur sometimes as I’ve moved out of my house but still get important mail sent to my parent’s house).

It felt like such an invasion of privacy…going through my garbage. Reading things I would throw away. I had to start bringing things to school/work to throw away…if I didn’t want her to read or re-use stuff. Ridiculous.

4. She was overly concerned about me given my age
At the age of 20+, she would call me after like, 11pm and ask when I was coming home or to be safe because “she saw on the news that violence is increasing”. Like, I get the calls when I’m 16. But at 21…when I’m in Uni…frig, it’s just embarrassing. Yes, another instance where I might be the terrible son, “she’s just looking out for you” you say. But when I’m the only one getting these calls from my parents out of my friends, it’s really lame. Sweet…but lame. There’s a lack of trust…and a curfew is stupid jokes. I understand people have curfews, especially girls….but I don’t play like that. I wanna do what I want, when I want.

5. She would always tell me to go to sleep.
“It’s late, you should sleep”. I would always get that, especially in the summer where I would sleep at like, in the 8am or 10am range (but she would tell me at like, 2am). The thing is, why the hell should it matter when I sleep? Especially in summer (when I had no responsibility)? Sleep is all relative, as long as I’m getting enough, it should be fine. Why not just…give me the option to do what I want regarding sleep. It’s not like it’s “bad” that I’m sleeping late, there are a lot of worse things I could do. It always used to piss me off so much. I’d be fine left alone, doing my thing at 1am or 3am or whatever…but she would occasionally wake up in the middle of the night to go to the washroom and she would see that I’m awake, knock on my door and give me the: “You’re still awake? You should go to sleep”….and I’d just get pissed. Why say that? Who was it helping? I wasn’t going to do what she said and all it did was make me angry. Definitely something that could have/should have simply been avoided.

I’m insanely glad I moved out of my house when I did. My life with my parents effectively ended when I went off to Waterloo for school. I mean, I would still come back during work terms but it wasn’t the same. I was on a work schedule and the freedom Waterloo had provided me gave me enough confidence to simply refute the ridiculous house laws I’d grown accustomed to in my childhood and teenage years. After school finished, I worked for about a year before moving out of my parent’s house and in with Z, in the condo I live now. I can honestly say that I’m generally happier to be out of that house, out of the things that would bother me, out of that life. When I first got my license G2, the first thing I did was drop my parents off, go out into the street and just drive. Anywhere. And I did that for a good 30m to an hour. The freedom and power I felt was….incredible.

Moving out of my house gives me same feeling. The freedom to live on your own rules, the power to make decisions yourself. I mean, that’s what being an adult is. But to be honest, I don’t think I really felt the adultness until I moved out, at the age of 26. I always felt under their control. They provided my shelter and sometimes my food (which makes sense, as I had no steady income until 25).

Now, don’t get me wrong. I love my parents, I’m glad they care about me as much as they do. I was far from the perfect son and I don’t believe they were the perfect parents…but they tried their best and so much of who I am today, the good parts – my work ethic, my morals, my sense of justice – is from them and the traits they gave me as a child. I was extremely lucky to have such loving parents and it really makes me feel….fortunate when I actually pay attention to the love and care they’ve given me.

I’m just saying that my mom would do things that would generally and consistently anger me for reasons I think could have been avoided. When you throw logic and reasoning into the things above, they seem pretty avoidable if she would have just…y’know, learned over time. But that was never my mother’s better traits. She provided the love, compassion, concern, and the artistic side. My father provided the intellect, the hard-working attitude, the morality and sense of justice.

My mother also provided me the OCD, the disrespect for privacy (read: nosey). My father provided me the temper and the social retardedness.

Damn, I’ve written for over an hour on an impulsive topic…I should really sleep. I’ll proof-read again tomorrow with a fresh set of eyes. I totally can see the rage taking over as I write, causing me to make careless errors….

/feel angry just writing thing…i thought i would feel relieved to get this off my chest but…no, i’m still just pretty damn pissed.

How being a perfectionist, completist, and OCD interfere with my artistic potential

Wednesday, November 24th, 2010 at 12:08 am

I wanted to do some drawing yesterday. I got my sketchbook and paper out…and I gave it a stare.

I had recently been inspired to draw and I haven’t really done anything in a while, I haven’t spent a lot of time just me, the pencil, and the paper since my Sakura picture.

Before even placing the pencil on the paper, I thought:

I don’t like redoing things (I’m a perfectionist). Rather than draw, erase, possibly screw things up beyond repair and waste time doing it, I’ll do my art in Photoshop. I’ve been spoiled with CTRL+Z (Undo). I’ve also been spoiled with layers and “potential” art.

So I opened up my Photoshop. I then used to paper to decide layout and characters. I thought:

Because I only do art once in a while, I want to draw everything (I’m a completist) once (I’m a perfectionist). Because of that, I want to do a full body pose, capture the entire character. Just like:

Do it once, do it right, cross that character off my list of characters to draw.

The problem with this is that…art is not supposed to be “complete”. The infinite beauty of the Venus de Milo (imho) is because of imagination. Because we never see and never know what the arms are doing and what position they’re in, it’s left up to the eye and imagination of the beholder. The beauty is the mystery. If the arms existed, I doubt the statue would be nearly as famous and beautiful as it currently is.

So again, the problem with my art is that by showing everything there is, there’s no mystery. “It is what it is”. And frankly, that’s boring.

So the question is: if being a perfectionist and completist interfere with art, why let it? And that’s where the OCD comes in. I can’t just…change aspects about myself that are fundamental. Well, I can, but it’s difficult. Not only difficult, but I won’t be satisfied with the results from using a pencil and paper, making mistakes, drawing busts or mug shots.

So for me to do art, it needs to be
1. Done in Photoshop
2. Full body
3. Perfect

And this is why I don’t do art frequently. Being a perfectionist makes things ultra time consuming. My Polly (Samurai Pizza Cat, above) is a result of these 3 items. Well, the first 2, I can’t say it’s perfect but it’s done up to my standards.

And again, based on the results, it’s not a bad thing. It’s just slow. And I tend to give up before the item is finished, never carrying the passion to continue it (something else always catches my interest). I’ve left a wake of unfinished projects throughout my life and the number of artistic initiatives tops my list.

That said, I’ve got my Photoshop open. I’ve got Dexter to watch. I know the characters I want to do. I’m going to start a picture now….I’ll let you know how far I get :)

WordPress 3.0

Tuesday, June 29th, 2010 at 3:24 pm

Upgraded to WordPress 3.0!

The changes I made to the WordPress code, that took 2 nights to do, only accumulated to 8 files being modified, maybe a total of 40-50 lines of code changed. Took like, 30 minutes to redo the changes into WordPress 3.0….including using a Code Comparison program comparing default WordPress 2.9.2 and my current code to find the changes I had made.

About 50% of the changes are simply formatting/view source changes…which going forward, I should probably just ignore…not really worth the time. But my OCD has issues with that….

The other 50% of the changes include customizing how widgets are displayed as well as modifying the way WordPress displays content with their stupid <p> tags. I feel I *have* to do those changes…the way they’re coded is crappy. They don’t have <ul>s and </ul>s around their <li>s…definitely not XHTML valid! Anyways, I thought the transition to WordPress 3.0 would be difficult considering the 2 nights of changes I made…turns out, it wasn’t.

I’m kinda disappointed with WordPress 3.0….well, there are tons of cool new features but not for a web developer such as myself who’s already integrated WordPress into his site. They want WordPress to build a site for you…great for people without skill. Wasted on people with skill. I mean, I GET that it’s awesome for almost everyone but not for me…I’d rather make headers, menus, pages from scratch and have total control than be restricted to WordPress themes and constraints. That’s just me of course…

/next upgrade of wordpress will be even easier!