Despite wanting to give up on the Kirby game, I’ve taken another approach: Finish 1, 2 or 3 levels in a sitting, rather than try to force myself to continue to play (cuz that makes me really sleepy). Better to play this game in moderation. I’ll eventually hit 100%…I’m at world 3 now, 46% complete…with all Gold Coins for each level. So far, I’m on my way to 100% completion rate :)
Almost everywhere I go now, I keep thinking about Zombie Apocalypse Survival. For example, I went to Table 17 for dinner today, using a Groupon that expired today. While there, Z and I had a window seat…and I was thinking how…unsafe that place would be in the zombie apocalypse. Honestly, almost everywhere I go, I’m thinking about zombie apocalypse survival. I had no idea The Walking Dead would have this kind of lasting effect on me. It’s quite entertaining.
I read somewhere that when women enter a room, they look at faces…and [other things women notice]. When men look into a room, the immediately, unconsciously, begin to study escape routes, safety issues, etc. Like survival is so innately important to them.
I have a new website project. Domain purchased. It’s related to my interests…but also something I might not be able to share with everyone. That is, I might build it, but not tell people that I run it. While a Japanese otaku might understand it’s awesomeness, I fear the close-minded co-workers of mine may not be so forgiving. Anyways, will write more.
My plan is to finish before Oct 31…but I might not hit that date due to work. I don’t know why I set that date out…I was just motivated to work on projects and be productive but I find that with deadlines, and productivity, come stress. And with stress, come sickness. I’m avoiding sickness like the plague right now. Everyone around me is sick… :/ It’s a hard battle to win. Like surviving the zombie apocalypse. Anyways….I want to start the new website project. I’m not sure whether to use WordPress on it temporarily, while I build an ASP.NET site….or to just start building an ASP.NET site now, and…not have a website for a while. The problem is that the website topic is peaking in interest as we speak….well, it may continue to peak….but I don’t want to complete the site during the fall of interest.
Also, I want to develop this ASP.NET site:
1. Correctly – code in the proper places…no inline code hacks like I’ve done in the past. Correct layers…Presentation, Business, Code….[insert other words that are releveant]
2. Locally
I’m always about trying to do something different….with code (not irl lol). The more approaches you take, and continue with, the more you learn. Rather than do the same thing, or method over and over again.
It’s difficult: Lots of work, lots of personal projects, and avoiding stress and sickness. But this is currently what I’m trying to balance.