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Warren Shea

Macbook Pro

Monday, February 28th, 2011 at 11:00 pm



As I may have said, I was going to purchase a Macbook today. And I did.

I rearranged my desk recently, moved my two monitors a bit….behind my Macbook are my 3 external hard drives. But anyways, everything spaces out PERFECTLY! :D I’m excited to play with the Mac tho I’m pretty darn tired….not sure if I can do it today.

Upcoming Posts:
1. March 1: Accomplishments Post
2. March 2: WTB Post
3. March ?: Harvey (This’ll make sense when I write it)
4. March ?: Social Network post: I really wanted to finish this tonight (so I could check that off in my accomplishments post, tomorrow) but I’m too tired, decided to write this post instead…it’ll come. Promise.

/off the play with my new laptop….

2 Responses to “Macbook Pro”

  1. anson says:

    I hope you bought the new macbook pro the one with the new radeon graphics :P

  2. Whatsizface says:

    Um… I don’t see a difference. I still see a waste of space on the left.


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