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Friday, October 5th, 2012 at 5:03 am

I went this whole week without screwing up my sleep schedule.

I’d sleep at 4am and naturally wake up around 12. And not sleep the rest of the day. Not bad.
Last night I slept at 4am and woke up at 9:30am this morning. Couldn’t fall back asleep and dev’d til 1-ish…then took a nap til 2:30pm.

It’s 5am now…and I’ve done so much deving in the last 2.5 days…I’m really proud of myself. Definitely did a lot this week and I’ll soon reveal the work I’ve done.
I wanted to do a lot more dev by Tuesday next week but it doesn’t look like I’ll have the time to.
I have 2 thanksgivings dinners, 1 lunch, 1 wedding…within the next 3 days. So it’s pretty busy.

Mental notes for me for tomorrow:

  • Newest to Oldest
  • Print functionality and CSS
  • Contact right information
  • Loading image on gallery and Checklist

All of these things should be relatively easy…so maybe I can finish after all. We’ll see!

Also: I made shake and bake chicken for dinner tonight and it was SO GOOD. WAY BETTER THAN I REMEMBER. So….yeah, I have a new, easy go-to!

KB update

Monday, August 20th, 2012 at 1:57 am

I’m going to have to, at some point, erase all instances of from my site. As I said before, I want the site to be anonymous and have no trace of me. So I’ll have to take this stuff off the Google Search and cache. Ah well, plenty of time for that.


I had built a “statue platform” off a Lazy Susan (a kitchen item which turns) and my plan was to take 31 shots at equal angle distances. 31 because the 32nd shot would be equal to the 1st shot, coming to a full 360° coverage. Basically you have 31 different camera shots. Then build an image rotator on my webpage so you could see all angles of the statue.

I was all ready to take photographs of my models, except unfortunately, I couldn’t reach both the camera and the lazy susan at the same time. This meant I could either:
1. Take pictures without turning the Lazy Susan (not an option).
2. Turn the Lazy Susan without taking pictures (obviously not an option).
So I had nothing to do until I could turn the Lazy Susan AND take pictures. To do this, I needed a camera remote (which allows me to turn the Lazy Susan whilst taking pictures at a distance from the camera).

2 weeks of waiting for a remote to ship (cuz I got it for $5 off eBay, as opposed to $30-$40 in the store), and I didn’t do any KB work but I ended up getting the remote last Friday so I was ready to resume progress. I woke up early on Saturday (8:30am on a Saturday!) to take pictures. I took a lot and with the remote and the Lazy Susan, I was able to take 6 statues. Not bad! It’ll take me a while before I can color correct them all and put them on my website.


I spent Saturday night working on this “Rotator” code which I got from a site. The problem was that 1/2 the code was obfuscated…so I had to un-obfuscate (I don’t know if that’s a word). That was pretty tricky but I ended up getting it to work (pretty proud of myself for that actually).

You can see one of my most complete pages (at this point), here.
The rotator’s looking really good :)

(Note: if I used the Lazy Susan and used the camera’s 10s timer, pushing the button would cause the camera to move very slightly in angle – but small differences in angle lead to large distances at where the shot is…so without the remote, the background wouldn’t stay as consistent as it is now…it would move and thus, be unusable)


Here’s my current status for the site.

As you can see, I still have a long, loooong way to go. But I’m getting there :)

I can’t believe I’ve been working on this project for 2.5 months. Part of me thinks it’s so little time and that I’ve accomplished a lot during that time. Another part of me thinks I shoulda had this site done by now…but there’s a lot of work and the camera stuff has taken me a really long time to get comfortable with.

Writing – another hobby?

Tuesday, July 31st, 2012 at 1:04 pm

I just realized that “writing” should be a hobby of mine as well. Though like photography, I’ve got a lot to learn about for writing…um…good…writing. y’know?!

With my new site, I’m going to need to write well written reviews for each statue/figure. And if there’s one thing I’ve noticed about my writing, it’s consistent. Consistently repetitive. I use the same words over and over, my vocabulary is limited and restricted and it’s difficult to convey what I mean in different ways.

How many times can I say “This statue’s hair looks great/awesome” without sounding fake and forced. “This statue’s hair flows like a long river of water with no end”….that seems…bad.

Writing is something that I believe becomes stronger with reading and analyzing style…something I’ll need to pay more attention to in the future. I need to find well written articles and reviews and…well, try to mimic (read: copy) them.

But that’s the same for learning almost anything: copy and tweak to your needs.

If I’m going to be spending mornings taking photographs, I should start spending more time on writing reviews during the night.

I already know how to write…and write a lot. But the key is making it good.

Update on Secret Project KB

Tuesday, July 24th, 2012 at 11:59 am

Unfortunately, this is the only thing I can write about as it’s the only thing I’m spending my time on lately, other than social events.

I’ve been working hard on I’m spending my time either taking photographs of statues or filling the site with content

Originally I thought some of the photos were good : (possibly NSFW) but it’s looking like my photograph’s lighting is still off, even with a grey card.

I’m not getting the exact skin color of the statues…meaning I need to take my photographs back to the drawing board. It’s okay, I only took, processed, resized like, 150 of them T______T. But better to fix this issue now than later.

I also notice that while a lack of light is not your friend, proper shadows are required to define the shape of items. You can’t just have all the light in the front, you need to be strategic for shadows to achieve depth. Ah well, better I learn this now than later.

I wish I had a photography mentor!

TO DO: Secret Project KB

Wednesday, July 18th, 2012 at 10:45 am


I purchased the domain for this site on Oct 18, 2011. I had the idea/passion to make this site about 9 months ago…but could only do it when was finished, a project that took…..much longer than it should have.

I think around the end of May, I finished…so I’ve had a month and a half of having this project as my focus. To be honest, it’s coming a lot slower than I expected. Here’s my checklist of things I’ve done

  • buying the domain
  • designing the basic layout
  • developing the basic functionality
  • pouring in content
  • fix the search and make it look nicer
  • create a logo
  • pour more content into the blog
  • go to various sites and look up prices for each statue (time consuming and tedious)
  • buy a camera
    • learn how to use the camera to take professional shots (time consuming)
    • take pictures of all the statues (super time consuming)
    • create a gallery for each figure

Overall, it’s a bit overwhelming how much work is involved, not to mention the maintenance of it all. I need to be on top of kotobukiya bishoujo information! It’s harder than I thought it would be.

Anyways, there’s still a long way to go. I’m working on tons of things all the time, like learning about photography…for the site.

ETA on completion: who knows :/

Anyways, I just wanted to write about this project as it’s now the focus of my free time. This is to help me stay organized :) I feel better when I’m organized!