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Archive for February, 2010

Crap, I didn’t do anything tonight

Monday, February 22nd, 2010 at 11:06 pm

Many discoveries on my journey home

Monday, February 22nd, 2010 at 8:38 pm

Note: I walked home in today’s somewhat heavy snow.

1. Lots of snow makes my hair sad and cry. When I got home, my hair was considerably flat and down…it looked depressed. As the snow melted, my hair started to drip (or cry) on my shoulder. Don’t worry, I comforted it.

2. Only a very small number of people use umbrellas on a day like today. I don’t understand why people wouldn’t, it’s basically raining (and yes, I didn’t bring my umbrella, I oddly didn’t check the weather today, something I do everyday before leaving my home).

3. People still walk on the outside (or is it inside?) of the sidewalk, near the road despite the giant puddles. Many of them very close to being Perfect Crime’d.

Perfect Crime’d – as defined by Warren and Z: When a car drives through a puddle of water, splashing nearby pedestrians with dirty street water. By the time the crime has been committed and the victim has realized their misfortune, the driver/perpetrator should be a decent distance away. The victim never knows who the perpetrator is nor can the victim catch the perpetrator. The perpetrator is faster and has a car for protection.
Z: “Oooo, look at that puddle! Those people are standing right beside it!”
W increases the speed of his car and gradually turns towards the puddle. W drives through the puddle.
W: “LUL! Those guys got perfect crime’d!”
Then W went straight to hell.

4. Walking with the snow is considerably different from walking against it. I swear for the 1 minute I walked against the snow, ice scratched up my eyes and hail flew into my ear and perforated my eardrum.

5. I did not, even for a moment, lose my balance or come close to slipping. I did see others that did though. I attribute this either to my grace, my sneakers, or my ninja like reflexes. If only we could use our mind to fly…then this wouldn’t be an issue. Evolution people, jeez…maybe you should try it once in a while.

This post is border-lining absurdity…I think I’ll stop.

Motivated Photos + Naruto

Sunday, February 21st, 2010 at 7:39 pm

After about 30 minutes of, I went to
I found some of these cute/hilarious.

I think I liked that Sasuke one because of this (from

It’s and Its

Sunday, February 21st, 2010 at 1:22 pm

Soooooo………I’ve been writing emails, blogs, twitter…under the following (incorrect) assumption.

I thought “It’s” was written to convey possession. e.g. “It’s monkey butler disobeyed even the simplest of commands and threw feces everywhere.”

But “It’s” does not convey possession….I’ve been oh so wrong.

Its is a possessive pronoun meaning, more or less, of it or belonging to it.

I think I’m going to go back and fix all these errors.

Self-learning = Win.
Years of incorrect grammar remedied in 2 minutes = Fail.

EDIT – In the post below, there were 6 instances of incorrect use -_-; sigh.

The internet is bad

Saturday, February 20th, 2010 at 11:31 am

A couple years back, my director asked our department if the internet was a good or bad thing. Being part of the eBusiness team, the majority of people said it was good, and why. While I didn’t disagree with them, I played devil’s advocate and said “bad” with a specific reason. A here it is.

The internet is….monstrous in size. There’s so much information. An unfathomable bottomless pit that continues to grow. All this information is stored in mere zeros and ones (0 & 1 – that’s binary folks). The way this information is stored, the way it’s backed up, and the fact that these simple 0s and 1s can transfer to very far locations in an instant effectively means this content is easily preserved. It’s too early to say it will last forever, but I wouldn’t doubt that were possible. Media storage continues to grow at a rate that is quicker than information continues to be added to the internet. What I’m trying to get at is this internet is still growing. The information is still growing. And we’ve got an infinite amount of space to store it.

The next issue is: how much of the content is useless? How much of it is repeated facts, human stupidity, irrelevant content, guides to the same thing, guides to outdated things, etc. The internet is growing but how much of it is useful? Why do we use Google search but often find it impossible to get what we’re looking for. I’m going to assume we correctly use keywords and I trust Google’s search algorithm and its capabilities but why is it that if I look up pV=nRT (Ideal Gas Law), while I do get some valid websites, I also get mr. random grade 11 science student feeding false information in a forum to mr. random grade 10 science student.

The internet is infinite. Human stupidity is endless. Real facts and useful information actually limited in comparison.

I believe the rate of useless information is growing at a far more significant rate than useful information. The internet has only been heavily used for a few years. Give it 20 years, give it 50. Remember to take into account that the information on the internet never dies. 0s and 1s don’t degrade like paper. This infinite beast of the internet grows and grows.

My concern is that valuable, useful, relevant information becomes lost. The internet, its primary purpose of storing and accessing information, will lose its value. Its strength in user generated content is also its weakness and downfall because of endless human stupidity.

I’m not sure what would replace the internet. I’m not sure how long it will last. I’m not sure if the information on the internet can possibly be reorganized. I’m sure people won’t go back and delete useless content. I’m sure people will still post “First!” in forums despite the obvious lack of value in its post.

I’m completely aware that this was just a devil’s advocate post. I love the internet and almost everything about it. I just think that it’s fundamentally flawed. Do I have a better idea? no. Can human stupidity ever stop interfering with the greatness of our people? no. Do I realize the irony that human stupidity is all relative that someone out there is thinking the same thing about a post like this? yes.

The internet is huge. And I’m just one of the stupid people filling it with useless, irrelevant content.