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Archive for June, 2010

Breaking Bad – Best. Show. Ever.

Monday, June 14th, 2010 at 6:56 pm

No wonder it got nominated for all those emmys.

Seriously, Breaking Bad is easily the best show I’m watching right now.

Pure gold…incredibly dramatic…intelligent, unpredictable.

I can’t stress enough that you should watch this if you aren’t already

Canker Sores

Monday, June 14th, 2010 at 12:37 am

Officially Aphthous Ulcer

They suck. But I get them every time I bite my inner lip by accident. Every time. 100%.

They last pretty much exactly two weeks. The first 2-3 days is the forming, the next 10 days or so is pain. Pain when eating, pain everyday, all day. Then they start healing. They suck.

I tried all kinda of products:
I tried placing salt on it whenever I could (ahh, the temporary super painful stinging!)
I tried drinking salt water
I tried cleaning my toothbrush/using a new one.
I tried using those oral gels (Orajel) which coats it and forms a little orajel shield
I tried using Oralmedic – what this does is like…chemically BURNS your cold sore off (I think). It stings more than salt but you’re left with is a hole of scarred inner lip hole. This actually stops the pain for 2-3 days…but I find the coldsore starts to continue to form around the burned hole. Eventually, everything heals, just like it normally does.
I finally settled on Kanka – which doesn’t heal the cold sore at all but uses a numbing liquid. I put it on my mouth before every time I would eat…and it would solve the pain issue temporarily.

None of these methods really worked.

But after 28 years, I figured out what I’ll continue to do for the rest of my life:
I started spraying topical Hydrogen Peroxide Solution (3%) on it…whenever I remember to (once or twice a day). I spray my canker sore right after the bite (lip trauma) is formed. I spray it again a few hours later, basically once every 6 hours or so…if I can…but if I forget, whatever. Anyways…I bit my lip last Sunday. The canker sore slightly formed in the next 5 days or so…but by the 7th’s day, it’s already healed. That’s literally cutting healing time in half. Now, for someone that must get these at least 6 times a year (and if they last 2 weeks, that’s 3 months of a year), having it cut in half is awesome. Not only that but the canker sore wasn’t nearly as painful. It also didn’t grow more than a 2-3 mm in size (as opposed to 5mm – 1cm in diameter), it’s awesome.

I just wanted to share this if you suffer from canker sores as well. I know one of my friends was exactly the same…every time she bit her lip, a canker sore formed. Just like me.

I’m extremely happy I finally solved this. I’ve done it with the last 2-3 canker sores but this last one, I really noticed the difference and counted the days.

I love you Hydrogen Peroxide, I could kiss you! Which is kinda what I’ve been doing this last week. Don’t tell anyone about this saucy affair though. Oh man, I think I’ve gone insane.

Chinese Pet Dyeing

Sunday, June 13th, 2010 at 2:30 am

For full story, click here:

I gotta say, I absolutely LOVE this idea. Dying your pet’s hair to look like something else. These panda dogs look SOOOOOOOOO adorable, I want one. Really bad.

On the link above, the first comment (I read) said:
Growlithe, I choose you!
– Pokemon trainer, Kanto

I thought that was hilarious :D

My two questions are:
1. How long until this comes here…honestly, I love it, and would love to see it done.
2. How could such a simple idea be overlooked for so long. This is the kind of inspiration or unique idea I want to just come to me…for my website. Something simple, something that makes sense (wait, I dunno if dyeing your pet makes sense)…something fun, something people will wanna do.

I need to take something simple…and make it awesome.

Imagine when YouTube came out…”let’s put videos online”. So simple…

Weddings: Now and Then (not Then and Now).

Saturday, June 12th, 2010 at 10:50 pm

I’ve started to go to a whole bunch of weddings lately…and I’m noticing that they’re generally all “fun” weddings. What do I mean by “fun”? They play fast/upbeat music or they do a skit that’s supposed to make people laugh…basically, they try to make it fun and not a classical walk down the aisle. This started ever since:

I mean, these guys did it right, it went viral and almost everyone has seen it at this point. And everyone’s trying to do something similar. IMO, I DO prefer the “fun” wedding over the old, slow, traditional wedding…but only if it’s done right. And so far, rarely has it been done right. I mean, people try…it can turn out good, sometimes great…but with every wedding, my standard for that walk gets higher and higher. It’s really difficult to do/plan.

Nowadays, everyone wants a theme or a twist to the wedding. I’d be somewhat disappointed if my friends had a traditional, normal wedding. It’s just…boring. They gotta make it fun…at least until the open bar (and I expect the weddings I go to to have open bar…unless money’s an issue).

My brain’s been thinking about what interesting thing I would do for my wedding. Not that it’s happening anytime soon but I like early brainstorming. I can’t come up with anything too interesting though. I’ll have to see when the time comes. Kind of like my brainstorming for my EPIC SITE…trying to think of ideas but I’m drawing a blank. Nothing worthy of my standard.

On another note, it’s taken me 28 years but I finally know, and memorized, and won’t forget, how to tie a tie. I had learned before and forgot. I didn’t practice. But I have a tie near me and every once a while, I pick it up and do it. Long-term memory through repetition.

I went driving today…driving and aimlessly shopping…for 4 hours. Whenever I’m blog post idea-less…I just need to go driving and I think of something.

Why did nearly all life on Earth die 250 million years ago?

Friday, June 11th, 2010 at 11:15 am

Taken from:
Why did nearly all life on Earth die 250 million years ago?

I thought this was an interesting watch….made me kinda sad and depressed tho >_<