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Archive for the ‘World of Warcraft’ Category

Post Compilation – Busy with Naruto theme

Wednesday, September 8th, 2010 at 3:16 am

I spent literally all day yesterday working on my Naruto theme and no time today, working on it…despite wanting to. Web developer as a profession can sometimes be a demanding mistress.

Here are some old posts, combined into one. They’re recent ones I’ve combined with older posts or posts I post, and then delete…

I don’t want to blog for a few days….and focus my time entirely on the Naruto site so I hope this will tide my readers over for the short while…

Remember those “I rejoined WoW” posts? well….

*guilty look*…

…turns into *mischevious grin*

…turns into *uncontrolled urination EPIC LAUGH*

(that’s me, pretending like I joined WoW, but then…not holding in the secret and then laughing) – “MWHAHAHAH”

Anyways…can you believe it’s been NINE MONTHS since I quit WoW. NINE! and I have no plans to replay, even resisting the mighty temptation of addicting games such as StarCraft II and World of Warcraft: Cataclysm. I suck at RTS games anyways…unless it’s building towers (HeeeLLO TOWER DEFENSE: PLANTS VS ZOMBIES + Flash Element TD)

What was I saying? oh yeah…quitting WoW in early January…building and launching website in early April…consistently tweeting, blogging, facebooking, learning about .NET and photography, having one of the busiest summers I’ve ever had….life is certainly being uh…lived right now, by me.

Time to take a nap.
JUST JOKING, time to LIVE LIFE TO THE FULLEST, or to the highest possible comparison to that of a normal person.

How Chandler Escaped

She tries about 6+ times…her 7th and final escape occurs around 1:30 if you wanna skip 1.5 minutes of cuteness!


I consider myself lucky to dream more often than not, or more precisely, to remember my dreams well and be able to remember them after I wake up.

I think the most fulfilling part of my dreams is spending time with people I no longer have in my life. I don’t mean the deceased…I mean people that have been part of my life in the past and aren’t now. Dreams are timeless, they can reflect the people or situations you’re in now or they can take you to a different time, a different life. There are people that you don’t regularly think about, people that you may have been close to once which might as well have been a lifetime ago. I find quite a bit on enjoyment in spending time with these people in my dreams. It’s not so much during the dream, where you’re doing/trying to do some random thing that seems to make sense to your dream self, in your dream. It’s when you wake up and think: “I haven’t thought of this person in so long, why was he/she in my dreams last night?”. Putting the rapidly fading memory of the dream into order to try to solve the puzzle of why. Why am I consciously or subconsciously thinking about this person. I like that my subconscious is giving my conscious things to think about. Why it does so, I don’t know. Maybe it’s hinting at something I want, maybe it’s hinting at something I lost and can never reclaim, maybe it’s giving me a world that can never be. It’s always giving me a reality that isn’t my actual reality.

What I remember about a dream isn’t the specifics, what I was doing, where I was. It’s who I was with. And the relationship with a person that’s no longer shared.

There’s a person I knew a few months ago. She told me that she wouldn’t remember specific events in her life, specific visual details. She wouldn’t remember when something occurred or why. She would remember the way she felt.

I thought it was a bit bizarre, I’d never heard of anything like that. But after a few months, I realize that this is how I remember my dreams. With a feeling. An indescribable feeling….one that carries with it memories of a previous relationship, an imaginary new dynamic, and a feeling that something is different…but not really.

I’m so confused as I write this, describing what I would call an indescribable feeling.

What also interests me is that: if I’m dreaming and these people are entering my head, who out there is having a dream with me in their dream? And I know this is a complete unrealistic possibility but, is it possible we’re in the same dream, meeting in the dream, in some level of subspace (damn you Scott Pilgrim for giving this location a name….). If you haven’t seen Scott Pilgrim, I imagine this place of meeting within the same dream is “limbo”, from Inception. I know the idea is absurd but when I wake from a dream and start thinking about it….sometimes the idea entertains me.

You know…this post was really difficult to write. Years ago, I wouldn’t have understood what I was talking about but I’ve been analyzing my dreams lately and….I don’t know, I imagine someone out there is feeling the same way. Someone who understands what I’m talking about….someone who knows the feeling I’m feeling. Like a connection…when one never existed. Like something of a dream.

I hate people. They suck.

Every now and then, the people I trust or let down my guard with disappoint me. I’m fortunate that I have some/enough good friends who never disappoint. But the majority of people I meet/know don’t live up to my expectations and piss me off.

I hate when pathetic people look down on me when their lives are such a joke. They laugh at the stuff I’m doing or the interests I have. They look down at me from upon a pedestal of immaturity and insecurity. I’m too nice to point that sh!t out back at them, I let them carry out their demeaning talk and hold in all the terrible, hurtful things I could/should? say.

My life is a bit odd, yes. I’m a nerd and geek and people with an inferior intellect or a closed mind look down on that. They don’t take a moment to grasp things that are different, whatever isn’t what they think is normal, isn’t normal. It’s annoying as hell. Talking to close minded people.

You know, you go to elementary school and there are people like that. Hey, it’s elementary school. You go to high school and there are people like that. They’re set in their ways, it’s tough to change. You go to university and there aren’t people like that. The people around you are generally more like you than anyone else you’ve been around. You start to believe all adults are like that. That people are growing up. That people are mature, that people are intelligent, that there are people you respect and who respect you. And then you go to the work force and it’s like coming back to high school. The weeding process for the work environment is much more lenient than the weeding process in university. You get the same immaturity, the same stupidity. You also get mature adults, those who have grown up, those who may have been jerks in highschool but no longer act that way. And then you get the people that have just never changed. Socially/emotionally/intellectually stunted.


Sometimes I can’t figure out if deep down, I’m a nice guy or if deep down, I’m a hater. I try to be nice, I think I can pull off a fake “naturally nice”. But I’m not really that nice. I’m actually a bitter ol’ hater. Not because I just am, but because some of the people around me have made me so. There are just so many “highschool kids” out there and so few “university kids”…the geeks/nerds are always outnumbered and bullied.


/end rant.

Jack of all trades, master of none, though ofttimes better than master of one

Friday, June 25th, 2010 at 1:58 pm

Some people are good at a select few things. Some people specialize in 1 thing. And me…I’m a jack of all trades type person. Sorta. I’m a jack of all trades…within my area of a few things. Does that make sense?

I would say that the area I specialize in is geekdom. I like computers, electronics, gadgets, math, web design, web development, console gaming, pc gaming, comics, anime, manga, cartoons (that’s all I can think of right now).

However, in all of these areas…I’m not particularly awesome or intensely interested at any one thing. I don’t buy a lot of one thing. My interest is spread out (somewhat) evenly on all aspects.

In World of Warcraft, I had 10 80s. 1 character at level 80 of each class so I could experience every class. Some were played more and more geared than others but the idea was to play it all and then choose which one to focus on (which I never did, I liked playing all). On a more precise note….Druid was also my main for most of WoW. A druid itself is a jack of all trades, able to tank, dps and heal. A hybrid class for WoW.

In Web Development, I’ve used Notepad, EditPlus 2, Dreamweaver and Visual Studio. I know HTML, CSS, Javascript extremely well. I know some Ruby on Rails, jQuery. I know ASP Classic VB, PHP, SQL very well. I’m currently learning ASP.NET 3.5/4 C#, jQuery, HTML5….basically, I’m touching upon everything. But I don’t focus on any single thing.

In Web Design and Adobe, I would say I know my Photoshop best but I’m also familiar with Illustrator, Flash, Premiere, Soundbooth. I’ve used all of them a bit, Photoshop the most. I’m not an expert with any single program but I’ve used them all to do a number of things.

In Anime/Manga, I’ve watched my share but I’m in no way an anime fanatic. I have a number of toys/manga/dvds but that’s only 1/2 of my toys/manga/dvds. The other 1/2 is…

Comics/Cartoons. I’ve also watched and owned my share of comics/cartoons but that’s not my only interest.

I like to tinker and take apart electronics. My computer died so many times when I was young because I’d fiddle with it…reformat this, defrag that, regedit this, install virus by accident that. At this point, I know my way around a PC quite well…and next, I want a MacBook or laptop to learn Mac OS and Linux a bit.

I play various consoles, NES, SNES, PS1, PS2, PS3 but I’ve stayed away from Sega and XBox and a couple of Nintendo generation consoles. I PC game DOTA, LOL, WoW, Counter Strike Source, Plants VS Zombies…but I’m not particularly awesome at any of them. I play side scrolling, puzzle, fps, rts games…but I’m not awesome at any one of them (probably best at side scrolling and puzzle games).

Basically, I’m all over the place…and I like that. It does however, prevent me from getting into too much of a detailed discussion when I talk to hardcore gamers, web development experts or anime fanatics.

I kind of wish I was, say, master .NET developer. I wouldn’t be intimidated when I see jobs like that. But then again, I’d be ignoring all the jobs that say Web Developer or PHP Developer, etc.

Anyways…just writing a post on a topic I’ve had for over 6 months. I’ve been noticing and wanting to write about it lately…so here it is

/back to work…tho I’m about to take a 1 week vacation…to study…so things are quiet today :D

Leaving the World of Warcraft

Saturday, March 27th, 2010 at 7:15 pm

I’ve transferred all my assets, any items worth any value, all my gold (20k) to Zena. I used all my badges to purchase epic gems and sent them off to guildies. I relinquished guild leadership and gave it to Crimxona. I’ve canceled my subscription. I’ve deleted the files from my computer.

The transition was slow, I unofficially quit 3 months ago but still logged in once a week for 2 more months…this last month, I didn’t log in at all. And today…will be the last time I log in.

1337 speak

Tuesday, March 23rd, 2010 at 11:55 pm

I’ve been using an increasingly large amount of 1337 (=leet=elite) speak lately in my twitter and blog. Most of it learned playing the World of Warcraft…

Epic Fail
= Win.
= Fail.
FTW…or FTH (For the Horde)
nub (n00b)

I enjoy using these terms, it makes me feel young, like I could still talk to a teen, even now. I DO also use old slang as well though…making me old.

What’s up
Cowabunga! – nah, I don’t really say that

I wonder…what will happen to my 1337 speak now that I’ve stopped playing WoW. It’s undeniable that most of what I learned was from that game…
I never want to get too old that I forget how to talk like a teenage moron. What do I do? I don’t frequent urbandictionary often unless there’s a specific term I want.

I guess I should just play WoW and chill in Dalaran and watch the stupidity. If you’ve ever read/witnessed it, some of it is pretty fracking entertaining….pure genius hidden within pure idiocy. Some very intelligent people drowning their lives and their potential. Kinda like what I did.

Posting 2 old posts = EPIC WIN.
Running out of content = EPIC FAIL.

But that’s what this blog’s all about anyways. some EPIC FAIL. I CTRL-F 13 “Epic Fail”s on this page atm.

Still in a world without the World of Warcraft

Sunday, March 7th, 2010 at 11:58 pm

I’ve been clean for two months now today. I really feel a sense of accomplishment for staying away this long. At this point, I will probably never go back…nor will I touch an MMO again…

Life is awesome without it. I must never forget that.