Choose Your Theme
Warren Shea

Site Updates

Sunday, September 19th, 2010 at 6:47 pm

1. I developed a theme which is virtually inaccessible unless you have/use IE6 or IE7. No longer is there a warning regarding the use of IE6, no longer is there a weird PNG image of the title in IE6. Currently, the IE6 and IE7 users will only see the blogger theme, modified slightly for IE6 and IE7. They will no longer be able to view various themes as the “Choose your theme” div has been display: none’d. IE6 and IE7 issues solved. Finally. GTFO.

2. I modified the way the social media icons and Mega Man icons appear. The social media icons and the inner part of the Mega Man buttons are both 1 image now, with the image components beside each other. Basically, used the idea of sprites rather than individual images.

The social media change reduces http requests from 6 to 1.
The Mega Man theme reduces http requests from 14 to 3.

I also modified the hover aspect so that it’s no longer JavaScript and is purely CSS. These should improve load on all pages with significant improvement to the Mega Man theme. Unfortunately, due to the complexity of the images, I couldn’t/didn’t do anything with the Naruto theme.

3. I updated the About Me section. I wanted to add more images and stuff to make it interesting but that would involve digging up images from my storage unit, looking through pictures, scanning them, resizing…..blah blah i’m just too lazy for that. So the update is just more/modified content >_< 4. My themes (at this point, there are 4: Megaman, Blogger, Naruto, GMail) look pretty much identical on Safari 5.0.2 FireFox 3.6.10 Chrome 6.0 But the Naruto and GMail theme aren't 100% perfect in IE9. W.T.F. It’s always IE giving me the issues. I don’t even know how to CSS hack IE9….

5. Fixed the CSS in my GMail theme for comment section. It’s now properly margin’ed.

To Do:
1. I still plan/want to edit the Code Reference section. Of all my sections, that’s gotten the least love and possibly, long-term, is the most useful.

2. The hobbies section also needs updating.

/going to…read css or html5…or take a nap………or most likely, start to read html5 book and pass out after 15 minutes

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