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Warren Shea

Blogging about Blogging Part 6: I have nothing more to write about

Monday, October 4th, 2010 at 7:59 pm

Oops. I missed last month’s Blogging about Blogging. Wait, I’ve been blogging for about 8 months now so I’ve missed more than just one.

You know…I have a LOT of posts. Like, a pretty overwhelming amount. Granted, some of them aren’t real posts. Some of them are short, some of them are rants, some of them carry no real insight within them. But it’s still a lot of posts.

Regardless of how many of them are well written, I’d say that I do have some power over the written word. It may be weak but there must be something there. I don’t think I’d call myself a writer, that would probably be an insult to the world of writers. I guess the best description would be a blogger.

As I look back at everything I’ve written, my overall consistency, my resistance to burn out, I’m pretty impressed with what I’ve accomplished. The quality is not always there but there’s a lot of quantity. And I’m okay with that because for someone like me, I can’t do both. I’m not mentally trained to be able to focus and produce well written work frequently. It’s not my strength. But I really enjoy writing and blogging. I enjoy blogging just because so it doesn’t matter to me if I suck.

I quit WoW in Jan 2010. I also picked up blogging in mid-late Jan. With my addictive personality, it’s pretty obvious that I left one addiction for another. While I didn’t believe blogging would be an addiction, it has become one. But it’s more productive than WoW, at least my skills in the written word must be improving in some way…though my skills in the gamer word have deteriorated. i cant rite good nemore lulz. c wat i did thar?

But I don’t think blogging is a new thing to me entirely. When you get deeper down to my type of blogging, it’s more of a written compilation of my thoughts. Meaning, the method and thinking process has always been there. It’s just always been in my head but now, I’m basically just writing down the thoughts I have.

Blogging here really comes down to me being an introverted thinker. I relish being alone with my thoughts. My mind is generally always active, it’s always “on”, I’m always thinking about something. I absolutely love leaving work or walking to work with a development problem in my head…only to think about it for 10-20 minutes, and be ready to apply what I’ve thought about to the screen when I sit down. I think about anything and everything that interests me in any way. I also love to think when I’m lying in bed, trying to fall asleep. Though that does become a problem when you think about something stressful and your mind starts racing. /dislike that.

I don’t think anything I think or write is revolutionary. There’s insight here and there, I might get a laugh or a disapproving frown…but I still have consistent readers. Even if you skim a lot of it, the fact that you still come…surprises me. Maybe I update frequently and you just want something to read? Maybe I discuss things that aren’t generally spoken about and it’s nice to hear an honest or weird or insecure statement? Maybe sometimes you feel the same way as me…and you’re surprised I have the same thoughts? Maybe you’re completely shocked at how I think….but you want to read more?

I don’t know. All I know is that I really enjoy blogging. I enjoy thinking, I enjoy writing my thoughts. I do feel I’m already going into content repetition and my memory gets fuzzy after 200+ posts so you’ll have to forgive me if I write about exactly the same thing that I’ve already written.

I’m wondering what addiction will take me away from blogging? And when it does, how much will I continue to blog? I wonder when the point when “I have nothing more to write about” will come. I suppose it never truly will, not if I’m always thinking, but there must be some point where 9/10 posts are repeated posts.

Until next month everyone! I’m glad you’re here with me. This journey isn’t so lonely with you by my side.

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