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Warren Shea

I am. Burnt. Out.

Saturday, October 16th, 2010 at 4:09 pm

I woke up at 3pm today…and I’m currently getting ready to go to work (yes, on a Saturday). I’ve worked 3 weekends in a row and I’m already scheduled to work next weekend. I’m exhausted.

My whole routine is off lately. I’m not caught up on my shows, Hell’s Kitchen, House, 30 Rock, How I Met Your Mother, Big Bang Theory, Office, Smallville.

I still have to finish Mad Men, True Blood S3…

I’ve been buying blu-rays but I don’t have time to watch the extras…

My free time consists of watching a show here and there…and…well, that’s it. Every other night I work on my side project for a few hours…it’s just like when I was working on…..but now I’m doing it for someone else which is much less gratifying.

My blog posts have been lacking as well…I’ll be honest, for this month, I really wanted to do 1 post/day. Which I haven’t done in a long time, it’s pretty difficult to keep up (for me) unless you’re spiritually/emotionally troubled (that’s when I get my best thinking done) – and I haven’t been, I’ve been too busy for that sh!t. While I’ve been keeping up with the 1 post/day (I’m one day behind but I can make that up), some of my posts in the last week have been pretty terrible. Even for me.

I have a vacation coming up, I impulsively took the 25th to the 29th off cuz I am just f*cking done. Frozen on the inside, burnt on the outside (so it balances out) – Lisa Simpson.

I don’t really have anything planned for the vacation. My hope is to take some me time: catch up on all the shows listed above, watch some blu ray commentaries, study ASP.NET and HTML 5. I haven’t touched either in so long…how can I retain my knowledge if I don’t practice/have time to practice? It all seems counter productive/efficient.

Like I said, so far I’ve worked the night of the 1st and 2nd (Fri and Sat), I worked on the 11th on my side project (Thanksgiving Monday), I’m going to work today and maybe tomorrow (16 and 17), I have to do some work next weekend on the 24…we also have to do work on Sunday the 31st. I’m praying that my vacation will prevent me getting called into that though.

Where’s the me time? Reliable to a fault is certainly killing me…I’m starting to rethink my life and the paths I’m on…I may need to change them to make myself happy….

Ever since I stopped working on, I’ve also stopped my technical posts, relating to the web, etc. Meaning I’m not learning anything new, worthy of blogging about.

/this last month has sucked. and it’s only 1/2 way done. something needs to change.

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