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Warren Shea

Site Updates cont’d + OMFG

Sunday, April 11th, 2010 at 5:46 am

5. To Do – It’s been brought to my attention that this session variable + themes don’t work in IE OR SAFARI. WTF. It’s a freaking php session variable, not even related to the client side (I believe). Why would it work in FF and not the other 2 sh!tty browsers. I, unfortunately, have to fix this as it’s one of the main items of attraction for my page. Sigh…….why do I have to fix my AWESOME code because of some SH!TTY browsers (and as I write this, I realize it’s probably my shitty code and their proper rendering browsers…).

6. Comment – Did some more cross browser testing and things don’t work perfectly on IE or Safari, not like they do on Firefox. It looks decent though so I might not change anything….Google Analytics tells me that my users are mostly FF users on Windows, this might be biased tho as most of these stats are probably me, as I refresh the page constantly while I’m developing.

My question is: who’s using Chrome? I know who’s using Safari on a Mac (that was easy to determine…)

Upon saving the above image and typing the name “browser.gif” more than 4 times, I incorrectly typed it BOWSER.gif each time…MLIM (My Life is Mario).

3. & 7. DONE + OMFG COMMENT – I just spent the last FOUR of the most boring hours ever copying 83 comments from my old blog to my new blog. The most time consuming part was going back to each post and setting the correct time-stamp. Also, I had to use 2 browsers as well as both my monitors to do this efficiently so I didn’t watch anything either. 4 hours…that’s 6 x 1 hour long episodes (and yes, that math is correct, 4hours=240m=6(40m episodes) because a 1 hour long show minus commercials is ~40m).

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