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Warren Shea

No, this blog has not died!

Monday, January 24th, 2011 at 9:25 am

I dunno, has my life just..not been interesting lately? I dunno…

I’ve been playing a lot of DCUOnline for the last 4 days….I’m at level 23, with a level 30 cap. 7 more levels…and then I plan to put it down…..

But the better/smart thing would be to put it down…and level the 7 levels over the course of a few days, rather than 2.

My development online textbooks have been collecting dust, despite Z working/studying hard lately. You’d think this would be the ideal time to study (as in, we both study) but…for some reason, I just haven’t been inclined to. Maybe reading about OO isn’t as interesting to me as CSS3…I dunno.

Anyways, I should probably go get something done right now…like…y’know…work.

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