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Warren Shea

….I know why I haven’t been blogging…

Thursday, January 27th, 2011 at 5:55 pm

And also why I’ve been dragging my feet lately when I walk.
And also why I’m tired and miserable every morning.
And also why I’m so tired when I get home.

I thought it was Seasonal Depression.
I thought it was that my work hours changed from 9am to 5pm VS 10-10:30am to 6-6:30pm.
I thought it was the thing nagging in the back of my head the last few weeks (it actually may have been that…but I don’t think so).

The reason is that ever since New Years, I haven’t been walking to and from work

How does that affect one thing affect all those other things?

To answer why I haven’t been blogging:
My walk to and from work is the best way for me to be alone with my thoughts, away from a computer and it’s distractions. It’s the best way to think. Today was slightly warmer than usual so I decided to walk to work. Well, it was also to clear my head a bit. This is also the reason I decided to walk back, why I discovered why these 4 things have been affecting me, and why I’m writing this blog post, immediately as I got home.

It’s all about getting away from in all and just thinking. If I don’t walk to/from work, I’m never alone long enough to think

To answer why I’ve been dragging my feet lately when I walk:
I don’t drag my feet when I walk on pavement, I ruin my shoes and it’s more difficult than not dragging my feet. My lazy habits from taking the subway have begun to affect me elsewhere. Everything has been lazy lately.

To answer why I’m tired and miserable every morning:
My walk is my wake up. When I start my brain, when I enjoy nature, the weather, the sites, the people. It’s also my wake up going home.
When I take the subway, it’s a shorter ride, my mind is on mute…

To answer why I’m so tired when I get home:
Same thing as above.

At least I’ve figured it out. Walk is the key.
Walk is key to functioning properly at work. Walk is key to a sharper mind.

I accomplished so much just by walking home :) I need to stop being lazy and afraid of the cold and stuff…and get back to the routine I had the rest of the last year. My productive year.

/off to do something productive :)

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