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Warren Shea

I really should be studying…

Saturday, February 5th, 2011 at 10:05 pm

I’ve felt less inclined to study for the last 2 weeks. I have my OOP Book open, on my desk for two weeks but pretty much untouched. I’ve spent a long time playing games and games of DOTA. Some with Z, which is odd in itself, but most alone. I always tend to do this, play DOTA for a while…and then I lose interesting for months. And then later, I pick it up again for a few weeks.

I’ve been watching Prince of Tennis: National Championship again lately…I realized that in all the time I’ve had it, for some reason, I never had the Shitenhouji VS Seishun Gakuen Doubles 2 match…the comedy twins VS Kaidoh and Momoshiro. I really enjoyed the Fuji match VS Shirashi…I love watching Fuji play.

Sitting here, tired outta my mind but I have to work overtime today, at 10:30 for a release…that’s the only thing keeping me awake at the moment.

Going to a Winterlicious place tomorrow night, which happens to be Super Bowl night! Boourns. My next week is really busy work-wise…

Anyways, I think I’ll really try to study for a bit today…ease back in to that studying groove.

Until next time… :)

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