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Warren Shea

Japan – My prayers to the people there, dealing with the earth shattering crisis before them

Saturday, March 12th, 2011 at 3:11 am

My prayers to Japan and all the people, the difficult time they’re having, and I pray for everyone’s well being. I imagine the difficult emotions people around the world are having, wondering if their loved ones are okay, wondering what they can do to help and make a difference. I find this situation not unlike a recent situation, in which a friend of mine was MIA for a long period of time. I only know one person in Japan at the moment…and I find that msging her via Facebook and waiting for her to reply is extremely difficult. I keep imagining the worst. It really isn’t unlike a recent event…I was trolling Facebook, praying for a time when said person would write something, anything, just to let me know she was okay. That wouldn’t come for weeks and weeks (before) but eventually I heard what had happened. I will say, like my recent tweet, that the hardest part was not knowing.

Now, I msged my friend that lives in Japan about 12 hours ago…..I’m so relieved that she wrote on her Facebook wall as well as msged me saying she was okay. Well, to be precise: “Alive!!”. Like, with everything happening in Japan…I dunno, hoping for the best but expecting the worst…it’s really a terrible way to live. Anxiety just dominates your emotions.

I’m so glad she’s okay…at one point in my life, she meant a lot to me…and I would totally feel saddened if suddenly, she had no more to say, nothing more to her life…..just…she was one of those people that really affected my life and I couldn’t bear the thought of her life, needlessly taken away. The sense of karma and justice in me would never let that rest.

Anyways, again…my prayers to Japan. It must be so hard, waking up one morning and everything is normal, but by the end of the day, everything is upside down. Your job is in question, the lives of your relatives uncertain, your own life possibly clinging to a mere hope, or possibly your own life, suddenly taken away. It’s….unfair. No one should ever have to experience the pain or situation like that. I feel…fortunate, but also…guilty that I’ve never had to have such a day. Because no one should ever feel that…it’s just….not fair.

Okay, on to my real post, which I’m writing at 3:00am and I must say, I’m a little….inebriated.

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