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Warren Shea

Super Mario Bros. Wii – Review(?)

Sunday, March 13th, 2011 at 12:59 am

I started playing Super Mario Bros. Wii, by myself and seriously, on Saturday March 5. I started from the beginning and went through all the levels, but most importantly, getting all the 3 special coins per level. Some were pretty tricky. Anyways, originally I was only going to play a little by little…but I kept making such good progress, I figure why stagger myself. Rather get it completed and move on to something else (Zelda). Anyways, here’s a run down of what I accomplished each day:

Sunday: Worlds 1 & 2
Monday: World 3
Tuesday: World 4
Wednesday: World 5
Thursday: World 6
Friday: None
Saturday: World 7, 8, and 9

All in all, it’s a pretty easy game. Easier, imo, than Super Mario World (SNES) in terms of getting everything. For example, in Super Mario World, getting everything would be doing all x96 levels. Just the same, in this game, there are 9 worlds that must be completed but to get everything, you need the 3 special coins per level. But the levels are easier. I still think Super Mario World’s Tubular and Super Mario World’s Awesome are still harder almost than every level in Super Mario Bros. Wii….with the possible exception of 9-7, in which I literally spent more than an hour on (for 1 level!!! >:( ). I could have finished World 1 in the time it took me to do 9-7. Even then, to get all 3 special coins, I had to use 2 players to kind of hack the last coin. Oh well, after an hour, I just wanted to get it done (as I was 4-special coins away from having all of them). In terms of actual levels, Mario 3 was probably harder than this….

I can’t say much about Mario 64 or the GameCube Marios (like Mario: Water Gun Fun Time). Though Mario 64 would compare more to Mario Galaxy than Super Mario Bros Wii.

Anyways, this is what the final game looked like.

5 Stars = Everything.
I had accumulated around 99 lives at the beginning of World 3 and never dipped below 90 from that point on. Though to be fair, after I beat World 8 and unlocked World 9 (and could save at any time), if I’d ever lose too many lives, I’d just restart the game w/o saving, restoring me to a good save.

Playing Super Mario Bros. Wii was a lot like the (spectacular!) iPhone game: Cut the Rope, in which….it was easy to pass the level…but to really beat everything, you needed 3 stars to each level. Occasionally with Cut the Rope, I’d skip a level that was hard, only to come back to it. With Mario though, I never went to the next level without getting 3-coins…mostly just for organizational and course familiarity purposes.

Anyways, that game is DONE. I don’t plan on touching it again! It’s nice to complete a game :D In such a short time too.

Now – Zelda: Ocarina of Time. I noticed that they will be releasing a Zelda: Ocarina of Time for the Nintendo 3DS. I may purchase the 3DS for that game…so I can see how it will play with better visuals and possibly better sound/music. Also, it’s quite frustrating playing Zelda: OoT on a Wii Classic controller, knowing that it’s meant for the N64. It’ll be nice to play the game on 3DS and play it on a console/handheld that it was meant to be played on. I’m interested to see how they handle swapping weapons and using them.

But yeah, my goal now is to finish Zelda: OoT on the Wii BEFORE the 3DS version comes out. So now, I’ve given myself a bit of a hard due date. I doubt it’s needed though…I’m playing the Wii a lot lately so it’s not just collecting dust anymore. I just need to keep that up :D

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