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Warren Shea

Friday off?!

Monday, April 18th, 2011 at 6:23 pm

We have Friday off this week? I had no idea until today…What should I do with my time?

Contemplated what to play next…was thinking Kingdom Hearts. Another game I started years ago, never to finish. It’s actually pretty similar to Zelda: Ocarina of Time in that…it’s 3rd person…action/role-playing….magic….2 useless partners (Goofy and Donald) instead of one (Navi)…sword fighting….instead of collection 100 Skulltulla tokens, I’m collecting 101 Dalmations :P

That’s the game I want to play…but might not simply because it’s too similar to Zelda: OoT. If not Kingdom Hearts, then Metal Gear Solid 3.

I really want to pick up my web dev again…re-do a bit…or Maybe open my .NET book again.

There’s never enough time to do what I want…it sucks.

What should I do tonight? Maybe I should do some dev….leave the gaming til Friday. Or not.

Anyways…I think I WILL do some dev…right now.

One Response to “Friday off?!”

  1. G says:

    Really? I’m always surprised at how many people don’t know what days they get off. I’m always constantly aware of every day I’ll get off… maybe everyone else are more of a workaholic than I am.

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