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Warren Shea

oh? hai! i forgot all about you!

Sunday, June 19th, 2011 at 9:29 pm

Yes, it’s true. Despite the fact that I occassionally checked the site, I’ve been MIA for a week.

The nights have been…busy lately. Basically, the last few weeknights, I start watching Glee and develop my professional site, (yet to be released). Once I being developing…I don’t stop until late, late at night. There’s always SOMETHING I want to improve on, or do…I never found time to even think about my blog.

The last few days have been busy, since
12am-3am: Green Lantern
3am-3pm: Sleep

5pm-2am: Karaoke w/ co-workers
2am-7am: Coding w/ music + singing to myself….so wired!
7am-3pm: Sleep

3pm-7pm: Code/Get ready for TFC Game
7pm-10pm: TFC Game w/ co-workers
10pm-3am: Patio BBQ w/ co-workers
3am-2pm: Sleep

2pm-5pm: Code/Get ready for Taste of Little Italy
5pm-8pm: Taste of Little Italy
8pm-?: Blogging…

Thing I’d like to blog about in the near future:
Reliability + Passion: The Keys to Success (basically, re-writing an old post of mine in a more professional manner, so I can reference it in my professional site).
Accomplishments #8.645161 – Mid June 2011 Edition
Singing + Karaoke
Music. My Music.

Things I want to do in the near future:
Photography session of some of my recent toys
Karaoke Song List – So many awesome songs I missed

God…after that Karaoke session, I can’t stop singing. Like, I’m singing to every song….quietly singing as I’m walking on the street….playing music over and over…singing to it. Maybe I’ll even record and post some, so I can improve….

Anyways, I’m gonna go clean my hamster cage, put on some X-Men Cartoon (because I finished Glee Season 2).

Oh right: Glee Season 2:
Let me say that I really like the show, Glee. But not because of the musical numbers. Not because of the high school drama. Partly because the humor. But mostly, I like Glee because occasionally, they deal with realistic, difficult issues. In season 1, they dealt with a lot of issues. So much so that I didn’t think they had more. But I was wrong. This season brought out inner beauty. It dealt with poverty, death, difficulty of coming out of the closet, and more…

What I love about Glee that it’s a show about Acceptance, and finding it. It’s about being an outcast, regardless of how pretty or handsome you are, how nice or mean you are, how popular or unpopular you are. It’s about friends that are close like family…and being able to be the person you are and still be accepted. And loved. I think almost anyone can watch this type of show and relate in some way, to someone. When you watch Glee, you’re a part of their family. Their drama.

It seems like a strange comparison, but I compare Glee to the X-Men in a lot of ways. Each member of the group, damaged in their own sort of way. Hated by everyone around them. Trying to be accepted by being better people, rather than by force. Living by example. Supporting each other.

I really thought Santana and Brittany were stars this season . As always, Kurt is given some of the most difficult situations. He’s a star in his own right but…I find his fight to be one of the hardest. Acceptance for him seems to be an impossible journey……but one he never gives up on.

I look forward to Season 3! I might even re-watch Season 1 and 2 again…

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