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Warren Shea


Friday, September 9th, 2011 at 12:34 am

I know I haven’t been blogging lately…a mix of sleep + work + allergies + burnout.

I’ve been sleeping a lot this week. I think it’s to make up for last week, and my vacation. I don’t think I slept more than 8 hours a day for those 2 weeks, even on my vacation and I had some incredibly bad sleeps last week. I kept waking up at 4 or 5am, wired. I haven’t had that lately and I’m so thankful. Bad sleeps, multiple days in a row are incredibly taxing. So now, I think I’m just…well, enjoying the good sleeps. Like, making up for all the bad ones….it really feels great, I think it’s really improving both my attitude and productivity at work. That’s not to say I’m tired of late nights, it just means….it’s nice to sleep early and relax. It feels soooo good!

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again…these next 2 months are definitely the most exhausting and busy months in my 5 years at [Redacted]. Like, I’ve had projects where I’m busy. Busy for a week, busy for a week and a half…but I’ve got so much work on my plate, 2 giant projects launching at the end of Oct….I’ve been working like crazy at work, sometimes at home…and I just haven’t been able to look at anything else for a while. I go home and I just want to do nothing, I’m so exhausted…poor

They’ve been bad since CNE. Once my nose gets hit or affected, it takes a while to heal. It’s pretty sensitive.

Uhh…yeah, I’m burnt. out. My vacation…should have been used to just relax, because…ugh, I feel like I’ve been working/busy forever………

This Weekend
I’m going to Eaton Centre tomorrow…to go to Hot Topic and get my Kirby Shirt >:( I wanted to order it online…but shipping for 2 shirts was $30…so expensive. X-Men: First Class Blu Ray comes out tomorrow…going to get that probably. Z might get a red 3DS tomorrow…and a game, maybe Nintendogs and Cats or whatever. I’d like to play that :D I love cutie animos. I pre-ordered Star Fox 64 over Amazon…so I won’t be getting it tomorrow…which sucks, cuz I really wanna play it…

I don’t know what I’m going to do this weekend. Organize my files 8 years of previous code/design files to get my portfolio for ready? Start my new blog? Do some photography? Do some art (really itching to do some art today)? Do some work? I don’t know….but I’m hoping to be recharged for the weekend so I can start getting productive again!

Anyways…..just wanted to write something. I know it’s nothing mind blowing but I get really antsy when I haven’t written in days. I feel I owe it to my readers (and the blog) to let them know I’m alive.

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