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Warren Shea

New Years Resolutions

Thursday, January 5th, 2012 at 10:55 pm

I don’t usually follow New Years Resolutions. Infact, I think it’s somewhat absurd to put off doing something til New Years. If you want to exercise or quit smoking or (anything)…why not do it as soon as you feel the need/want?

Also, I never really follow through with New Years Resolutions, often simply forgetting them.

Regardless, there are some things I want to improve on…so I figured I might as well make them and try to strive for it.

Again, it’s not like I was like “okay, new year….time to shape up”….I’ve been trying to do these somewhat before and after New Years…just saying I know how hypocritical it is writing what I wrote above, and then making New Years Resolutions. The irony is not lost on me.

  1. Be healthier
    I want to be sick less often. Less stress related canker sores. Lose some weight. Gain some stamina. I used to have a fantastic immune system….I was very proud of it, but it seems in the last 2 years, it’s gone straight to hell. I need to build it back. Take less drugs, let the body fight stuff off on it’s own.
  2. Sleep better
    No more 5-6 hours of sleep on work days. I want 8, give or take an hour or so. I think this will help a lot to being healthier. Don’t sleep so late on weekends and wake up earlier on weekends. I don’t think my body can handle what I used to do between 2000-2010 (when I was 18-28). I think it’s time to stop sleeping like a young adult…sad to say, but it’s true. I need to act my age a bit more…(in this one particular thing) :D
  3. Keep gaming and keep developing
    Besides work, and social events….pretty much the only 2 things I do right now is game and develop. Art, Photography, Blogging on the side…but blogging is pretty regular so I won’t include that. Basically I don’t want to forget to develop. Like’s 4-month hiatus….I shouldn’t be doing that.
  4. Spend less money
    Just be smarter with money. Go out to eat less (going with being healthier). Less impulse buying.

Damn, need to write an epic post on Jan 7….don’t really want to atm. Would rather play Zelda or Develop. I have a goal to finish by 1/14/2012….for a somewhat obvious reason that I can’t write about (hint hint). Was supposed to develop tonight, but just played Zelda. 27 Hours of playtime atm….so fun tho :D

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