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Warren Shea

Tutorial: Converting characters into their HTML entity names

Saturday, January 28th, 2012 at 7:17 pm

Purpose of this tutorial
To convert characters in code into their HTML entity names

What you need to know/have
Adobe Dreamweaver

This tutorial uses Adobe Dreamweaver CS4

Step 1: Enter your special characters into Dreamweaver’s source. (Or more likely, it already exists in your document).

Step 2: Select the text you want converted

Step 3: Cut (CTRL + X) it

Step 4: Change the characterset to ascii in the meta tag.

Step 5: Paste your copy into the DESIGN portion of Dreamweaver (this is very important)

Step 6: Change the characterset back to UTF-8 or ISO-8859-1 (or whatever you had before) and save.

My ramblings
I rarely use this on a personal level but I can’t say I haven’t done it many time professionally. Hopefully this tutorial helps save you some time when you’re like “why doesn’t my code work in this browser?”

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