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Warren Shea

Tiny Tower….I love/hate you.

Wednesday, March 14th, 2012 at 2:14 am

I started playing Tiny Tower a while ago. And I’m pretty sure I would have stopped by now if not for a co-worker’s competition. It’s unfortunate but both she and I are stupidly competitive. Also, we both (can) have no lives if we so choose. And I’m definitely one to choose that to win something meaningless and stupid. Pride is…a tricky thing.

While I enjoyed playing Tiny Tower in the beginning, I’m very bored of it now. However, I’m SO unwilling to lose and THAT’S definitely driving me. It’s stupid though, it’s subtly more difficult to level. There are 154 (?) level and I’m at around 96. I wager this battle, in which we’ve only been within 10-7 floor apart for 2 weeks (I’m in the lead), will end only when one of us reaches 154. And it’s going to be me. I don’t like to lose. No, I hate it.

Unfortunately, to keep this lead (in which we both progress quite quickly), we both have to play an incredible amount every day. I’m talking like, 5 hours dedicated time a night, followed by periodic checking at all times of the day. I mean, it would be insane if I were doing it alone. But because she’s doing it too….it’s less insane?

So nowadays, I’m just watching shows: Prince of Tennis, classic Simpsons. I just started playing Draw Something on the iPhone. That takes up some time…but both she and I are playing so that’s okay. And coincidentally, we’re both working on a freelance project together. So both of our time is (equallyish) divided doing that. So there’s not a lot of gaining and losing ground unless one of us doesn’t play. Sigh.

I dislike this situation a lot and I find myself cursing the competition I’m in as well as cursing playing Tiny Tower. And I somewhat curse my need to win…but…I’ve kind of accepted it. This is who I am. This is my sickness. And I’ve got to much pride, dedication, stubbornness, and a lack of willpower to stop.

Once I’m done this stupid game, I’m going to focus back on dev. And try not to let this World of Warcraft type behaviour come up again, at least for a while. I barely have the time or chance to blog and I know my posts have gone down because of this. I swear things will get back to normal.

Even as I’m typing this, I’m playing. Sigh.


One Response to “Tiny Tower….I love/hate you.”

  1. Sophia says:


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