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Warren Shea

The Hunger Games…left me HUNGRY for moar.

Wednesday, April 4th, 2012 at 12:27 am


Saw Hunger Games tonight. I guess I had high expectation due to word of mouth and ratings. However, I was pretty disappointed with the movie. It was like Battle Royale for teenage girls.

The Hunger Games, compared to Battle Royale was:
Less of a psychological thriller. Less bloody. Less intense. Less disturbing. Less buildup/rising action.
More funny. More cheesy. More colorful.

That said, both films are incredibly similar in premise however, they are executed quite differently.

I can’t say Battle Royale didn’t have plot holes (I don’t remember it that well) but there were definitely some issues with Hunger Games.
I purchased the Battle Royale Blu Ray and will definitely watch it the next time Z’s not around (definitely not her type of movie). Kinda excited now to compare the two.

Just noticed: weird how
Rotten Tomatoes rates Battle Royale 85% and The Hunger Games 85%
IMDB rates Battle Royale: 7.8 and The Hunger Games 7.7

So similar. Currently, Battle Royale has a slight edge and I hope it stays that way. Although Battle Royale is somewhat dated in comparison, it was definitely more true to how I believe a similar situation might play out. Although, there are some pretty unbelievable psychos in Battle Royale…which made the movie cool but a tad more unrealistic.

Anyways. I won’t be buying this DVD. I’m still considering reading the book as it’s bound to be better…I would love to read about the things I didn’t get…

3 Responses to “The Hunger Games…left me HUNGRY for moar.”

  1. El Granto says:

    I had almost forgotten about BR before reading your post. It was a good movie! The fact that so many of the kids in BR turned in to killing machines so quickly without any coaching or forward knowledge of the fact that they would be in the game (that I can recall) made it a lot less realistic in the psychological realm. But it certainly made for a more bloody and entertaining show.

    The addition of guns made it a little more interesting as well too.

    You should read the Hunger Games series. It’s really good and is a quick read. Especially quick because it’s very captivating in the way that it’s written. There is also a lot of psychological thrill in the book that’s left out in the movie.

  2. Warren Shea says:

    Your memory serves you somewhat incorrectly as most of the kids did not turn into killing machines and die early. For example, the fat nerd who was studious gets a crossbow, one of the best weapons, but his brash behaviour gets him killed almost instantly. I remember it well because I imagine that would be me in a Battle Royale scenario lolol.

    Based on your recommendation, I will try to give the books a read. I certainly believe the movie enhances the experience of the book but the book defines the experience of the movie. (book > movie)

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