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Warren Shea

Vacation starts tomorrow…

Friday, September 28th, 2012 at 1:10 am

and I’m not really ready…to do nothing.

I only have some things I’m going to do planned right now.
2. Shows: Watch House S9, The Office S8, The Wire and/or Doctor Who
3. Anime: Watch Steins;Gate + at least 2 other animes: Magical Girl Madoka Magica + Ano Hana(maybe)
4. Movies: Looper, Anchorman, Drive, Indie Game The Movie, The Butterfly Effect, The Goonies, The Illusionist, Idiocracy. I know a lot of these are old, they’re all the ones that have been on my TO DO list for a while.
5. Capture and convert VHS tapes
6. Take pictures of statues on nice days.
7. Play Persona 4, Super Mario Bros 2
8. Organize some documents
9. Go to MasterSteaks, a wedding, stay at a Hotel for a night, Thanksgiving dinner, cook dinner for Z 2 nights this week….

I know I know, it sounds like a really lame vacation (even tho this is pretty much how I spend all my vacations).

I found that I was getting a little too burnt out at work. Too many people asking me questions. I just needed to get away from it all. Have some alone time. Feel like I accomplished some ME stuff.

The development aspect of work doesn’t bother me. It’s the meetings and the answering questions and the production issues and the leading. People look to me to solve and fix everything and it’s damned annoying. By being very reliable, I somehow became everyone’s go to person. And it’s hard. Because the team is so big now, I just can’t get anything done. And that stresses me out. So these guys can fend for themselves for a bit. /rant mode off

Anyways, I can’t wait to go home tomorrow and shut myself off from the world :) That’s how I recover best (mentally and emotionally….tho it’s probably detrimental to my social aspect).

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