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Warren Shea

Phone upgrade!

Thursday, October 4th, 2012 at 1:59 am

I was all excited to get the iPhone 5 but after the release notes/specs, I was underwhelmed.
It’s technically still below the Samsung Galaxy SIII. I was saying that the only reason I’d still get the iPhone 5, despite it being a worse phone, is the iCommunity. Everyone I know is on the iPhone so it’s nice having that community to share/connect with. That said, I now see and realize people’s blind iPhone devotion (of which I was completely guilty of as well). I notice that some people are looking at the facts and jumping off the iPhone ship. Myself included.

So, I just ordered a Samsung Galaxy SIII today. Upgrading from a pretty old Apple 3GS.

Below describes my day (it’s just copied from an email to my parents, of who I upgraded their non-smart phone to an iPhone 4S – and I see the irony of my Apple rant and then go out and buy a 4S…but realize my parents have an iPad and they’re comfortable/familiar with iOS…so that’s why).


I spent this afternoon researching Wind and talking to Bell and Telus for rates. Telus had a good rate/plan and I was going to go with them unless Rogers made me an offer I couldn’t refuse. They did.
I had to basically try to cancel my service to get Rogers to send me to their Retention Department, where they can make all the deals/sales that the Sales Department can’t make to new customers.

Below is the comparison for Regular Cost VS “I’m going to cancel” Cost

I was able to save $110 on the cost of upgrading the 2 phones and $20/month for the plan.

One Response to “Phone upgrade!”

  1. El Granto says:

    Welcome to the dark side Darth Warren!

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