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Warren Shea

Damn you Seagate and your external hard drives!

Tuesday, December 18th, 2012 at 1:44 am

These external Seagate drives suck!

They’ve like, all failed. I still have a 2TB Seagate External but my 250 GB Seagate external and TWO of my 750 GB Seagate externals died.

To be fair, for the recent 750GB Seagate external drive, I determined that it wasn’t the hard drive failing, but the…um, circuits and stuff that connect to the drive. The enclosure.
1 screwdriver to pry the external drive open, 2 oven mitts to grasp the plastics and a FEAT OF STRENGTH later, and I ripped the enclosure apart revealing a hard drive.

Hard drive seems fine alone. Planted it into a PC and it doesn’t have the “Cannot find this file on disk” or hard drive shutting on and off symptoms as before. I’ve diagnostically determined…that it was the enclosure! (I’m watching a lot of House lately, if you couldn’t tell).

You know what I was thinking about? House is a diagnostician. He basically determines/diagnoses the problem to stuff.
You know what they call that in programmer terms? A debugger. Identifies and fixes bugs.

I think one of my greatest strengths is a debugger – I fix things. Often after breaking them first (curiosity and all that…and the challenge of putting something back together).
Makes me wonder if I could do House’s job. Though given the previous statement would mean a lot of people would end up dying for me to get better. That’s probably…not what I’d consider a “successful” profession or skill.

Seriously, I’ve been watching a LOT of House lately. I think I started a couple weeks ago, I’m already midway in Season 5. I was on the street today, looking at strangers. Which hands they used to drink their coffee. What they’re wearing, how they walk. I was trying to be all House-like. Determine things on the basis of small observations. I love that he can do that – and I would love to make that “power” mine.

I just know that his arrogance and being a jerk is going to rub off on my work persona. I’m like a sponge – I just absorb and reiterate things I watch on TV. Need good role models…not House.

Totally thinking though – the writers of House are so cool and smart. I think it must be incredibly difficult to write someone smarter than yourself. Because again, you don’t know what you don’t know. So how can you think like a genius when…well, you can’t think like a genius? I guess it takes time and creativity – think of something for days/weeks, but it all plays out in mere minutes in House.


I just wanted to write about my external hard drive experiences in this post…but it somehow became about House.

/off to watch more House

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