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Warren Shea

Another domain! Sorta…

Tuesday, February 19th, 2013 at 6:10 pm

Okay. I finally have a DEV/QA environment. Sorta.

Originally, I was going to put WAMP on my local machine…but then I would have to export the database (which is huge) and load it onto my machine. Didn’t really wanna do that, since I’m not touching the database, just the code (at least for this project). Also – I don’t like local development when my computer has a much higher chance to crash than the server where my information is being stored. And they do backups.

So my new dev environment is
Note: It looks exactly the same (from a Google+ theme) but its code is different

No longer will I have that line of code at the top of my site indicating it’s being worked on. No more working on the production environment on the fly. I generally don’t mind as my changes are quick but this time, they’ll take a while.

I’m working on a responsive layout for (and some of it’s themes). It’s not very hard but has some fundamental structure changes to the code including a 16 column grid system.

I’ve also taken the structure of the code and improved it based on my current skills. I understand CSS a lot more than when I did this site, 2-3 years ago and my changes reflect that. I’ve been able to cut part of the structure by 10%. I did find that with my understanding of CSS, my CSS code has actually become bloated, following this structure. So as I’ve acquired more skill, my code for specificity has become too specific – and it needs to be minimized. So I’m trying to do the same with CSS with less code. Tricky for one such as I, who fundamentally opposes the principles of “less is more”.

In the process of building a simple CRUD + Login tool in PHP at work. Going to use an MVC Framework with it…maybe eventually build my own PHP Framework like some people I know.

Photography is going well. 10/43 statues done. 25% of the way isn’t bad :) Gonna keep on truckin!

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