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Warren Shea

Other updates!

Wednesday, February 20th, 2013 at 1:27 am

Just realized that I should also blog about my other changes to After all, it’s awfully rare to do updates to this site…
Also..I wanted to bring up my Feb blog post count up >_<

  • Removed div tags with id “header”, “footer”, “navigation” and replaced it with real HTML5 tags.
  • Also cut down quite a bit on the CSS naming/names. Removed unnecessary code that I thought was required for specificity…but now find better ways to find elements (CSS 101…taken again cuz apparently I failed the first time). Swapped some ids out and put classes in. Made names shorter which meant I had to change CSS and JavaScript references to those items
  • Updated the JavaScript to use jQuery a bit more for retrieving and modifying DOM elements
  • Removed some “clear:both” div tags and replaced it by adding the “cf” class to divs, which is a clear-fix…um…fix. Got that from
  • Was planning to include Modernizer into this…but decided not to. Don’t really see a need to cater to older browsers, not worth the bloat. Should include it on my

Tomorrow: Responsive layout for OR PHP MVC admin tool

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