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Warren Shea


Wednesday, April 10th, 2013 at 11:57 am

Just watched BBC’s Sherlock (it’s only 3 episodes per season, and 2 seasons!). Totally got my post-House fix from it. Except you know what? Sherlock is…smarter than House. I had my doubts, House is incredible. But…Sherlock’s smarter. Also, not as lazy.

I think Moriarty is one of the best villains I’d seen in a long time. Y’know what House never had? A villain, an equal that could beat him. It’s much more fun and satisfying watching a cunning hero beat an equally cunning villain (Death Note, Sherlock). You only get a real spectacle when watching two equals compete.

Anyways…just wanted to write about it. Can’t wait for Season 3 cuz I NEED TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENS AT THE END OF SEASON 2.

Also watched Silence of the Lambs and watching Red Dragon…really drawn towards intellectual characters. Hannibal’s pretty smart too. Not on a Sherlock level, maybe on a House level. But Hannibal can make you do stuff with his words. I think Sherlock could do that as well, but House likely couldn’t…..or could he? I don’t know….

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