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Warren Shea

Checking in…

Thursday, April 18th, 2013 at 10:32 pm

Man, I haven’t blogged in a while and I know it. I was on vacation last week and I spent it getting sick. Who gets sick on their vacation? >_< sigh... Being sick took me out Mon afternoon to Wed but the rest of the week, I was still 1/2 outta it. But I tried to use my time as best I could, reading some books and studying. There are a few books I still want to read. I don't think I'm learning enough so I wanted to try doing more of that. I spent this week sleeping a lot/early. I still have a cough so I'm trying to take care of my body enough that I'm well rested. Don't want a lingering cough. Want to get rid of it ASAP. Been playing dota during the night but tonight, I'm gonna try to study more til sleep. Haven't worked on Secret Project KB at all this week, despite working on it last week quite a bit. Haven't done photography in a couple weeks. Need to start that up again... While I'm here, blogging, I think I'll write a bit about some other things...but we'll see how that goes >_<

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