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Warren Shea

It’s time for some changes…

Wednesday, May 29th, 2013 at 11:31 pm

I’m sick. Again. And I’m not liking this trend, how I’m getting sick so often.

Seriously – I think it’s about time I start acting my age. Sure, staying up til 5am coding or doing whatever is fun. But at 31, I’m starting to realize: sleeping at 3:30 and waking up at 8:30 for work…is not okay. Having 5 hours of sleep, it’s no wonder I got sick. I’m not 22 anymore.

From now on, I’m in bed at 12. I’m getting 7-8 hours of sleep a night. No more irritability at work.


Also : After 2 months of no progress on my secret project KB, I’ve decided to abandon it. It doesn’t hold the interest it once did, a year ago. That said, I will want to do figure reviews and work on my photography skills. I’m sad, I devoted a lot of money and time, months, towards this site but it just doesn’t hold the same appeal. I’m sure I could have built something, with user generated content in 1/2 the time and it would have been way more rewarding. That’s where I should have gone, I took an old approach to an idea and it bit me in the ass down the line with it’s tediousness.


I’m going to try to focus my time, not on large projects that prevent me from sleeping – but on taking smaller projects. Reading and learning. I figure doing something like that before sleeping will also help with my sleep.


It’s been almost exactly 1 year since I finished I’m still really happy with it both from a design and functionality/usability point of view. I’ve learned quite a bit in the last year regarding JavaScript and organizing JavaScript as well as XML/JSON. I would like to, at some point, start to investigate updating it. A professional portfolio that’s up to date will always come in handy when you least expect it ;)

One Response to “It’s time for some changes…”

  1. Jenny says:

    No0o0o0o i can’t believe you’re abandoning KB project :( superincomplete unsatisfied OCD sadness :(:(

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