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Warren Shea

Zelda: A Link Between World – Progress Update

Monday, November 25th, 2013 at 1:29 am

Got the game…Saturday night and I’ve been playing quite a bit since then. Hmm…come to think of it, I’ve only had the game for about 30 hours now.

I’ve got 16/20 hearts and have 2 dungeons from Lorule left.
I’ve got 65 Maiamais.
I bought all the items already, after renting them.
I need to upgrade my Master Sword.
I need to upgrade my clothing.

I’ve taken part in 2 Shadow Link battles and won both of them. The guy (or is it AI? I’m still unsure…) I was playing second used 2 potions as his items – lame! but I still one with 1/4 or 1 heart left. It was really intense! I had the stupid Tornado Rod which was good at first until the guy countered it. And I had a dumb boomerang which just brings the guy closer. Bleh. What a waste of items.

Anyways – don’t think I’m gonna finish tonight so I figure I’ll just blog about this…

I’m kinda sad because although this is a great game and every bit the sequel I was looking for, I feel bitter-sweet as it’s almost over. I think.

I haven’t “turned off” the game yet. One thing about Zelda: LTTP (A Link to the Past) was that there’d be a 0 beside your name if you played it all the way through in one time…that’s what I’m going for.

I’ve “died” only once – right when I got to Lorule where everything hurts way more and I was super weak. But a fairy saved me so I didn’t have to repay no rental fees!

I’m not using any guides of sort – usually I do but this one, because it’s so quick to explore and stuff, I’m doing it all myself…uhhh, for the most part.

Anyways – will definitely be beating the game tomorrow, after work.

I’m excited to see what else lies in the story!

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