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Warren Shea

Stomach Bug

Friday, December 6th, 2013 at 9:44 am

As some of you know, I’ve been out with a stomach bug for the last…3.5 days (84 hours). In that time, I’ve eaten:
2 cookies (which I shouldn’t have)
9 Lychee Jellies (which I shouldn’t have)
1 bottle of Pedialyte / Gatorade
and litres of chicken broth and a few cups of vegetable soup.
That’s it! …for 3.5 days!

I’ve lost 5 pounds in water weight and I’m not really hungry…which is kinda cool I have to say :)

Other than my stomach being unsettled, I feel fine which is nice/a good thing.

I was hoping this would be a 24-hour bug but it’s taking WAY longer to deal with than I thought :(

Sucks cuz I haven’t gotten ‘sick’ since starting my new role (I’ve been paying more attention to how often I get sick) and while this isn’t the fever/cold/flu, it did knock me out of work a couple days. Seems like every year, I’m away from work for a week or two due to sickness. 3 years ago it was the flu (1 week) + pneumonia (1 week) I think.

Anyways, didn’t really wanna share for the “HEY EVERYONE I HAVE A STOMACH BUG” purposes, more for my own references.

Sigh…what I wouldn’t give to eat a steak or burger right about now….. :(

One Response to “Stomach Bug”

  1. El Granto says:

    In your honor I will eat a steak AND a burger for lunch today!

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