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Warren Shea

Oh the irony.

Thursday, February 10th, 2011 at 9:52 pm

Also, I apologize for this post.

The last couple of days, I had this pimple of my forehead. I rarely have those at my age and my face is relatively smooth at this point. But this pimple was big and right in the middle of my forehead, like a third eye.

Like this guy
FYI – (Despero – DC villain)

I didn’t go to work yesterday but today, I didn’t want it to be noticed so I did my hair a little differently. I put a lot of the front down to cover my forehead and eyes.

Ironically, this hairstyle seemed to garner a lot of attention, attention from almost everyone at work that saw me -_-;

The irony is that I purposely changed my hair style to hide my forehead, but the style itself seemed to draw eyes towards my forehead. It’s quite possible that if I didn’t change my hair style at all, I would have had less people looking.

I dunno, I just found that amusing.

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