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Warren Shea

Don’t Wanna Lose You Now – Backstreet Boys

Friday, August 5th, 2011 at 2:49 am

Don’t Wanna Lose You Now – Backstreet Boys

I can count a handful of people that know this is one of my favorite songs…
I don’t think any song could better express how I felt yesterday than this. As I listened to it now, each lyric like an emotional dagger to my heart. It’s not a happy song, but it’s a hopeful song. A song of overcoming obstacles…a song of desperation, a song of faith, a song of love.

To love someone so much that despite the stupid mistakes you’ve done, despite whatever obstacles you’re faced with, you can overcome it…together. It’s a love I guess I always wished to have, even when I didn’t have it. Something I understood in concept, even without an actual person.

I’ve always liked this song, going back to high school where it was never a single, but still one of my most played song. The song I sang in my singing competition. I hope that when I listen to this in the future, it will remind me of the last few days. I hope it will forever remind me not to be stupid, and not to take what I have for granted.

God, how could I have been so stupid…

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