Choose Your Theme
Warren Shea


Thursday, April 12th, 2012 at 12:53 am

Google+ has changed its layout.

Check it out here.
…also, I get a nice Google+ hit cuz if you’re on this page, maybe you’ll wanna hit my Google+ profile ;)

Anyways, back to the layout changing. You’d think that doesn’t matter to me too much…except my main theme right now is (old) Google+. And let’s face it, as much as the GMAIL theme was interesting/practical, it’s simply just uglier than the Google+ version. Fluid layout is tricky.

Things I like about this Google+ redesign:

  • Scrollbar (require Google Chrome to see it…boourns)
  • Left Icon images/Navigation that is position:fixed (so it’s always there). Pretty and I like it. Which means if I revamp MY Google+ layout, I might copy that. But I doubt I’ll revamp my layout cuz…

Things I dislike about this Google+ redesign:

  • Cover Photo. Um, a little TOO similar to Facebook now duntcha think? Innovative? No.
  • While I like the Google Chat appearing if you have “extra” room…W.T.F. is with that awkward moment between when the window is perfect size without chat and then you horizontally increase the window…and then the chat pops up. For a moment in between those 2 states, it looks hideous!


    Interesting, it looks good on 1024 width (no chat) AND 1280 width (chat). The only default resolution width between those numbers is 1152×864 which deals with 1.5% of people. Effectively, they’ve found that perfect number/size for that chat column. And I can see that Google+ is MEANT to be seen on an exactly 1280xwhatever resolution. Everything fits PERFECTLY at that width. Interesting. HOWEVER.

  • For larger resolutions, like a widescreen monitor for example, what is with ALL THAT EXTRA WHITE SPACE. Could that look more hideous? I mean…it’s funny, it’s like how GMAIL is. The reason I liked the old Google+ theme was that it was like Facebook/Twitter. Fixed width. Centered Content. WINNING SOLUTION. But no, this is Fluid width…regarding white space. Fixed width, Left Aligned regarding content. EW. REGRESSIVE UPDATE?!
  • So there are PROS and CONS to the redesign but I’m fairly disappointed. I don’t quite get what was wrong with the old design.

    With both my GMAIL and Google+ themes being replaced by newer Google themes, I’m starting to think maybe I shouldn’t copy themes anymore >_< ….but i’m not a designer and IT’S JUST SO MUCH EASIER than making a theme by myself. I’m a developer, I just want to develop the theme….not design it. What do I do about my themes? Suggestions…?

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