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Warren Shea

Archive for the ‘Web Development’ Category

Site Updates: Mega Man theme (kinda-not really-could be downgrade?) upgrade

Sunday, September 5th, 2010 at 11:51 pm

Given my most recent post regarding re-doing the navigation, I decided to tweak the Megaman theme around a bit…it no longer mimics the blogger theme (just harder to read). It now does a pretty different thing all together, the middle div being the scrolling div and the header and footer staying consistently where they are. I hope that it’s still okay to read on smaller screens….i’ve been testing it on Chrome 5, FF 3.6.8, and IE8 on both the 1280×1024 resolution and my widescreen 1920×1080 and I’ve got everything working in all 6 scenarios.

What do you think? Improvement or regression? evolution or devolution? shinka or…(opposite word for japanese “evolution”). Shinka…I learned that from Digimon. My favorites were Angemon and Angewoman and Wargreymon. Basically, angels (go figure), and Wargreymon…cuz his name was kinda like Warren. A nickname of mine was “Warrenmon”…cuz…well, I hope I don’t have to explain it.

Whoa, got a little side-tracked there.


Let me explain the icons:
Blog Man -> Proto Man (MM3+) – Cuz Protoman is cool…and like, the main character…if not for Mega Man, thus he should be the main page…
About Me Man -> Gemini Man (MM3) – Cuz I’m Gemini
Hobbies Man -> Metal Man (MM2) – Cuz Metal man cuts things…like Arts and crafts…which are my hobbies?
Projects Man -> Napalm Man (MM5) – Cuz he’s got a freaking missle on his head. He’s awesome. That’s what I do. I DESTROY projects…in a good way.
Portfolio Man -> Quick Man (MM2) – Cuz Quick Man is quick…and when I do my stuff, I’m quick. This doesn’t bode well with the ladies though :/
Gallery Man -> Drill Man (MM4) – Cuz Drill Man looks kinda like this Chouji relative (Naruto series)…and I like to doodle Naruto

Drill Man


Code Reference Man -> Wood Man (MM2) – I just like his icon…he’s got a leaf shield! Isn’t that the worst, protective shield ever?!
Resume Man -> Magnet Man (MM3) – Cuz when people read my resume, they’re drawn to me…like a Magnet…cuz I’m so attractive (on paper…and IRL).

I feel bad if you read all that, it’s gotta be some of the worst BS I’ve ever written.


I’ve been going over the Naruto theme in my head recently….excited to start it :D

/spits in Sleep’s face. It’s okay, it gets me back…in the form of drool…that my face rolls around in whilst I sleep.

IE6 (Internet Explorer 6)

Monday, June 28th, 2010 at 11:11 am

I know I wasn’t going to code for IE6….but maybe I should. I ask myself “What’s the point?” Right now, people that use IE6 is 7.1%. That’s actually a fairly large percentage.

Now, by the time I complete my site and rework the CSSes (plural) to work for IE6, I imagine it will be a few months later (say, Sept) and the % will have dropped to 5.5% (on average it’s dropping 8%/month).

Also, this site tries to heavily use PNGs, and not JPGs or GIFs. You get the JPG quality plus transparency…it’s win win with PNG. The loss is that IE6…needs special CSS to display any PNG. Like, really?! seems a bit ridiculous…

But…if people are coming to my site…judging it’s cross browser compatibility and such…then I should have it working for IE6. How can I call myself a cross browser compatible web developer if I simply don’t code for that…I know I SHOULD develop for IE6. But is it worth it?

/I’ll think about it for a couple months. I’m sure the problem will resolve itself.

Site updates + WordPress

Thursday, June 17th, 2010 at 11:28 pm

I’ve spent the last couple of nights formatting my code so that if you view source (go on, do it!), it’s DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict as well as formatted (space) precisely to my standards. It sounds easy right? if things don’t align up, press spacebar in the code a couple time until it aligns it. But…it’s actually not that easy because the blog portion as well as the RSS is generated by WordPress and doesn’t care about the formatting at all. What does that mean? Going deep into the WordPress code and figuring it out. Well, figuring it out enough to change it. It’s purely cosmetic but in diving into the code, I was able to remove some “additions” that I felt were in question.

1. WordPress, by default, wraps everything in <p> tags…which I hate. Paragraph tags add extra space, unless you change the standard tag’s CSS. But for someone who likes full control (and who doesn’t have it), these tags suck. I’m much more accustomed to using <br />. Controlling exactly how to space content. Anyways, WordPress adds paragraph tags around everything so I had to replace that with the appropriate amount of <br />s.

2. WordPress also strips <br />s. Which sucks because just say I wanted to do something like this

I couldn’t! It wouldn’t allow those spaces, it would look like this:

Despite how many <br />s I threw between the text. Ridiculous eh? Anyways…I had to go into the code and fix that.

3. WordPress also, by default, replaces three consecutive periods with … so that … = …
The problem is that someone like me, who chooses a # mod 3 != 0 will result in 4 dots becoming …. or 5 becoming …..
Hideous I say! I don’t quite understand the purpose of replacing the periods…but yeah, that had to go. I was changing my … ‘s so that they would mod 3 == 0. But it was annoying.
I couldn’t write things like “uh……………..” without having to post and go back and edit/remove the dots. Because let’s face it, with OCD, this: …. and ….. was unacceptable!

4. WordPress keeps widgets together. So the RSS Feed that I had…it was all grouped into ONE section before. I had to go into the code…find out how the RSS was being written and throw in some if statements to display other headers. The result is on the right (notice the RSS feeds are now sectioned off into groups rather than in one “RSS” Category) ——->

5. I also changed the standard WordPress UI. In the image below, the left side is the original WordPress UI. If I had say, 10 RSS feeds, the CMS wouldn’t show any descriptive titles. If I wanted to edit a particular RSS, I would have to play the counting game or the “click edit and trial and error” game. Ridiculous! I changed the WordPress UI to show at least some form of descriptive title…So if I wanted to edit a particular RSS feed’s information, say #10, I can click on the one I want and not have to guess or look at the Edit’s link. Also, I was able to throw my particular headers into the WordPress UI as well! The WordPress UI, thanks to my tinkering, now mimics my site exactly.

Sites Updates Part 2

Tuesday, April 20th, 2010 at 9:36 pm

1. PHP Session Variable
I (think) I fixed that PHP Session thing. I have no idea how. I messed with the function a bit but didn’t change anything fundamental…it still seems to be working okay for now. I don’t know why. :S

2. Gallery – Updated
I’ve been able implement the structure I intended…I need to fill it with content though.
Check it out:

I need/want to make more albums…I’ve got a few photos now, I’ve been taking lots of pictures…but I need to edit all of them, they don’t turn out too hot without my Photoshop editing.

Non-site update: I organized my photos today…about 2-3 years worth of digital photos.

Site Updates

Saturday, April 10th, 2010 at 5:54 pm

I decided to post my site updates…I kind of want a log of what I’ve worked on, etc.

1. Complete – I got my RSS Reader widget (on right hand side) working. I had to mess with the wordpress widget code so that it’d be styled properly. Finding the code probably took the longest…figuring it out was tricky too, but doable.

2. To Do – I’m creating a TO DO page….to keep track and status of the shows I’m watching. I generally can’t stay up to date with my shows because I don’t know when they air, and I don’t know what episode I left off at. I’m going to create a database table and an admin page for simple updating…Googling PHP and CRUD gave me what I needed in a few minutes. Hopefully finish building that tonight! Then I’ll have 3 sections to my site! Yay!

3. To Do – I’m bringing all my comments over from blogspot, WITH correct timestamp. It’s taking FOREVER and it’s uber annoying for reasons I won’t go in to.

4. Comment – So far, I’m finding that PHP is a lot like regular ASP…very spaghetti code-ish. I tend to like spaghetti code, I find it linear and easy to read….but, I figure spaghetti code is kinda like inline styles of which I don’t like…I like keeping my styles and stylesheets completely separate from the rest of my code. It’s probably that I just don’t have much experience with Ravioli code…I’ve used it before but I grew up with spaghetti code. Still…I’ll have to change that, Ravioli >> Spaghetti after all…my EPIC SITE will be Ravioli, that I guarantee.