None of my addons/extensions work !
FireFTP, FireBug, Web Developer…none of them work on my FireFox! Those 3 things are ESSENTIAL to me updating my website…FireFTP is the only FTP program I have….FireBug is great for web debugging!
I’m trying to load an old FireFox (3.6.6) w/o uninstalling this one but I didn’t have any luck. Actually, to be honest, I didn’t google or try at all.
I just went to
C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox
instead of
C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox 4.0 Beta 1
and assumed that loading the firefox.exe in C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox would work. No such luck. Pretty fail troubleshoot if I do say so myself.
I guess it’s okay that I don’t work on my site for a bit…I’ll just keep watching Clannad. I watched 3 episodes @ work today while working :D I don’t think I fooled anyone when I’d minimize quickly but w/e.
BTW FireFox 4.0 Beta 1’s fine, I don’t have any strong dislike against it…originally the layout and stuff reminded me of Chrome…until I made it look like FF3.6.6. Basically, there was no point in upgrading -_-;
/this post was so pointless, i apologize to those that read it. also, i’ve been drinking…i have a headache :/