…a lot’s changed for me. I feel like I’m actually living my life. I’m pretty sure my life started to fade away into nothing when I started playing World of Warcraft. I’d always intended to make a post regarding my World of Warcraft regrets…but at this point it seems like a moo point. A cow’s opinion. It doesn’t matter (that’s a quote from Joey in Friends).
I spent 400 days of playtime on WoW. 400 days = 9600 hours (400×24)
9600 hours divided by 8 hours a day of average playtime (8 hours sleep, 8 hours work, 8 hours WoW) = 1200 days
1200 days = about 3 years of playing WoW for 8 hours EVERYDAY.
Now, I didn’t play everyday, it spanned out for 5 years…but…well, it’s a lot of time. An insane amount.
While I enjoyed playing WoW, it really…set back everything in my life. Sure, I was able to maintain my job and girlfriend but…a lot of things were sacrificed. My social life, my health, other games, my web design/development skills. I’m at least 3-5 years behind in LIFE at this point…but these last 4 months, I feel I’ve really changed in a lot of ways.
Looking at where I am now…the site I’ve built this last month, the blogs I’ve posted, the people I’ve connected with…four months ago, I would have never seen this coming. This site especially…I’d been planning on building a new site, learning more about web, etc for years now. But this last month I’ve finally gotten off my ass to do something. I feel like…all that potential I had and wasted these last few years…I feel like I’m starting to get that back. I feel like I can reach the stars. I had been talking about doing things with my life, improving myself, talking about big ideas and goals…but that was all talk. I’d get home and play WoW and forget all the motivation I had during the day.
But things are different now…I walk home and I’m excited to work on this or do that. It’s no longer all talk…I feel like I’m taking leaps towards goals. Maybe they’re not leaps, just regular steps…but compared to the rate I was moving before, they seem like giant leaps.
I’m very happy with how I’ve changed these last four months…and I look forward to a future of reaching my potential.