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Warren Shea

Archive for the ‘Archives’ Category

Site Updates

Tuesday, June 16th, 2015 at 7:57 pm

I recently updated my WordPress for 3.1.1 to 4.2.2! It’s taken me quite a while to do an update. I regret going into the code to change things for the sake of proper indenting – but who am I kidding, I couldn’t live with myself if I didn’t (…because, I have issues).

I have decided to retire this blog however, not to delete it. In this blog’s ashes will arise a new blog – one where the posts are well written, complete, a journey or story about life and the hardships and/or lessons learned. One that’s a little more legit and presentable to future employers and used not as a means of determining how childish and immature I am, but rather to highlight my maturity, experience and wisdom. I will likely go through all my blog posts (cringe) and extract anything that could be used again.

With this new blog, I’m going to abandon the WordPress platform (also one of the reasons why I’m stopping this blog) and using something more current (still researching this though).

This blog will not be dead just yet though – it will exist for however long it takes for my new blog to be complete…which might take a while because…

I also plan to do a new (where the new blog will be, at
This new will be a responsive website, with a high focus on new front-end technologies and mastering the craft, rather than muddling my way through the solution. I want to attack this as a legitimate project – a project brief, a style guide, more thought and planning into the solution that execution and patching. The focus on this will be to learn new things, as well as to build rapid prototypes, rather than spend time on details. Anything ‘tedious’ or ‘time consuming’ will be scrapped in lieu of increasing skills and experience as quickly as possible.

I’m going to blog about my progress as well – so this blog will still be in use for at least a few more months.

Digimon Tri update

Tuesday, May 12th, 2015 at 12:07 am

I’m more than super excited for the new Digimon anime! Looks like we won’t see anything until November – but every time they tease something, it makes me remember how awesome it was!

…and I found this amusing.

Also – I’m very addicted to this song. It’s been on repeat for a while now.

My only problem with Ariana Grande is she has pretty poor enunciation – her words sort of all merge together.

Went to the Toronto Google office today for work

Thursday, March 19th, 2015 at 2:26 pm

It was cool and I can die happy now.

This so called life….

Wednesday, March 11th, 2015 at 12:19 am

What is/where can I find success without the corporate ladder?

What is the balance between happiness and financial stability?
Must I sacrifice my happiness if I want x number of children (and need to financially support them)?
(Always the ideal solution but is it realistic?) Is it possible to find a job that fulfills my happiness and provides me the equivalent monetary compensation for a ‘difficult’ job?

I’ve always put happiness above everything. It’s a life motto. And I’ve found out that this is a common thing for millennials (of which, I am one).
But I’m not living my life solo anymore. I’ve got a significant other. I’ve even got a dog now! Does my life motto need to change, due to the responsibility I have towards them? I know they’d want me to be happy – but is sacrificing my happiness a worthy sacrifice to improve the lives of those around me?

I’m finding it quite difficult to obtain inner peace, as I struggle between selfishness and selflessness. Lately, I just can’t seem to find that harmony.

Wut? Site Updates?!

Saturday, February 7th, 2015 at 1:59 am

That’s right!

  1. Removed the Achievements Section – that’s always been more for me
    I still plan to use it but it will be more private.
  2. Removed the comments section –>
  3. Created a Lists page, for any kind of list I feel like making!
  4. Updated the About Me section, and the Hobbies section!