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Archive for the ‘Anime, Manga & Comics’ Category

Hikaru no Go, Initial D, Gundam Seed or Get Backers?

Sunday, May 16th, 2010 at 11:45 am

I would say those are my favorite animes of all time…they’re all different…and I love them for different reasons.
I’ve watched all of them multiple times..I would say I’ve watched each series at least 3 times each but I’ve watched the episodes I like, the non filler ones, probably over 20 times.

I think out of all of them, Hikaru no Go might be my favorite…there are so many great moments in it…moments that bring a lot of emotion…moments when I feel how epic the story is.

Initial D is great, it’s a typical underdog story except there are 2 parts to the underdog and the opponent: the driver and the car. The car is the underdog…and you think the driver and car are the underdog together because no driver can outperform the capabilities of the car..and Takumi, the main character, is no exception. He does however, maximize the potential of the old car…and that’s where the beauty of the series lies.

Gundam Seed is a great fish out of water story…the main character placed in a world he’s unfamiliar with and doesn’t like…but does what he does for the survival of himself and those he cares about. It’s a great story about characters and doing what is right as opposed to what you’re told to do/what you think you’re supposed to do. The mechs are kool but I really like Gundam Seed for the characters.

Get Backers is enjoyable because it’s fun…it’s a very fun series, great characters…I would say one of the main characters, Midou Ban, might be my favorite anime character of all time. He’s a lot like House…arrogant, cocky, egotistical…but rightly so, he’s highly intelligent and probably superior to everyone else in the series. If I could be anyone…I’d be Midou Ban.

Hikaru no Go…it’s a story about characters but also very plot driven as well…combining the two to create an epic journey. I would say in all 4 series, there are moments when I also tear up because of how good the moment in the series is…like, I FEEL it. These moments…they’re rare. Initial D and Get Backers both have a few….Gundam Seed has a few more but Hikaru no Go, for me, is filled with them. I think it might just be do to rewatching the series so many times that I really FEEL everything, like it’s more real to me. I’m emotionally attached to a few characters, specifically one…that…ah…I can’t talk about it! I don’t think you can really do a series justice by only watching it once. There are so many things that you miss or deem unimportant at the time of watching it because it is. But when you rewatch it, characters that get slight mentions to early on, foreshadowing, symbolism…they all make a whole lot more sense the second time around. That’s when you start feeling how epic the story is.

I’m rewatching Hikaru no Go again and wanted to write a little about it. All of the above are great animes. Gundam Seed and Hikaru no Go have a steady pace…Initial D has an interchanging slow/fast pace throughout the series…Get Backers has some filler eps (about….13/49 of them?). Overall they’re much better than say, Death Note, which was great but left me disappointed after 25…and even a little disappointed after 16 or so, when Kira lost his memory. Naruto and Bleach are just too damn long…the stories and episodes are inconsistently good and also paced very slowly at least compared to the manga. I really like Prince of Tennis but it was very…shallow. Not really deep at all, there isn’t much character development despite a lot of character interaction. Monster is great, a little slow and dark..I think you have to be in a certain mood or a certain type of person to enjoy that.

Anyways…just wanted to write about HnG while I’m watching it. I hope you try it out! :)

Oh oh ! Also, I really like how the character in Hikaru no Go visually evolves over the course of the series. Visually, he gets very slightly older each episode, you don’t even notice the difference as you’re watching it. Then, you compare how he looked in episode 1, 30, 50, 75….and they’re all very different. But you don’t notice that as you watch…it’s done very gradually. What other animes have that type of gradual growth? Initial D, Gundam Seed, Get Backers certainly doN’T. It’s that level of attention to detail…that makes this journey epic!

Wind: The most powerful element…

Thursday, April 15th, 2010 at 12:42 pm

Just something I noticed while re-watching some Gate Keepers 21…

The main & strongest characters always have the power of wind. Can you think of any instances where there are more main characters with another element type power? I can’t…I have 4 below…

Naruto from Naruto & Naruto Shippuuden (Hurricane Chronicles)
Character type: Main character
Power: Wind Element Chakra
Ability: Futon Rasengan – Futon is the wind (elemental) and the Rasengan is spatial recomposition.

Ukiya Shun from Gate Keepers
Character type: Main character
Power: Gate of Wind, 1 of the invincible offensive gates
Ability: Shinku-missile (Vaccuum Missles)

Ukiya Ayane/Isuzu Ayane from Gate Keepers 21
Character type: Main character
Power: Gate of Wind, 1 of the invincible offensive gates
Ability: Shinku-missile (Vaccuum Missles)

Rumina Asagi from Tokyo Underground
Character type: Main character
Power: Wind
Ability: …I don’t remember, some wind ability :)

Even I’m the main character of my life and I have the power of wind. It comes out my ass. It’s toxic though, knocking enemies as well as civilians to the ground. We’re all the main characters of our lives and we all have the power of wind…and we don’t have the power of fire, earth, or lightning. So technically, we’re all JUST LIKE NARUTO.
Suddenly, I feel more awesome. But relatively, we’re all equal. Damn, those 1.4 seconds of superiority went by fast.

I am Warren’s darkness

Friday, March 5th, 2010 at 9:46 pm

**This post may be expanded upon, I didn’t quite finish but being sick and too…tired to think properly, I doubt I’d be able to complete it for days…

I will make a few references to the following animes/mangas: Death Note and Monster. I will, in my own words, discuss the premise of each as they are relevant to my post but if you’d like a better understanding of the story, I suggest you check out the links.

Death Note
A notebook (called a Death Note) is found in the world. It grants the person who uses it the ability to kill someone simply by writing their name in the notebook. The main character, Yagami Light, finds the book and uses it to cleanse the world of rotten people to effectively make it a better place. He focuses on killing criminals who have broken the law and spends the series cleansing the world and avoiding capture from the police who claim that what he is doing is murder and that he should be brought to justice.

A genius and good-hearted surgeon, Dr. Tenma, uses his exceptional skills to save patients. At the very start, he is supposed to save an old man from an injury but the hospital that he works at orders him to save someone else, a famous opera singer. Both lives in peril, he saves the opera singer because of the hospital’s orders but despite the fact that the other old man came first and was supposed to originally be operated on by Dr. Tenma. As a result, the old man dies. Dr. Tenma feels uneasy about saving someone’s life before another person’s, unsure of where the priority in people’s lives are. During a conversation with his girlfriend, she laughs at his dilemma saying “Not all people’s lives are equal.” A few days later, the same scenario occurs. A small boy, Johan, and the mayor of the city are both brought in to the hospital. Johan is brought in first, his only chance of survival rest in Dr. Tenma’s skills. The hospital though, requests that he save the mayor’s life instead. Dr. Tenma is placed in a moral dilemma again, does he choose whether to save Johan’s life or the mayor’s? Are all lives equal? He chooses to save Johan and as a result, the mayor dies. Years later, Johan grows up to become a remorseless killer. Dr. Tenma finds out about Johan’s activities and believes that because he saved Johan years ago, he is responsible for putting a stop to Johan’s killings. The rest of the story follows Dr. Tenma in his quest to stop the Monster that he saved.

This posts starts off with something that happened a few nights ago. During a discussion among a group of people, someone I know said something…dark. Not violent but it involved wishing the death of someone. I was surprised, it was something I would think but never say. In my sleep deprived state, I blurted out that I agreed with him only to have him say he was joking and that he didn’t mean it. But…I did. I was slightly embarrassed, that dark side of me isn’t supposed to come out. Ever.

I’m not sure how…disturbing it is that I completely agree with resolve of the character Yagami Light of Death Note. He said in the anime that “In class, we never discussed if we could kill evil people. But if we did discuss it, everyone would pretend to be pure. People would say that they must not do it. Of course, that’s the correct answer, because humans have to act that way in public. But that is not their true nature.” When I heard that, I thought to myself…”Maybe it’s possible that others do in fact think like that, but don’t show it. Much like me.” While I’ve never found anyone like that other than me, maybe it’s because no one discusses it. But I’ll change that.

Without being…very dark, I’ve always found life to be rather insignificant. People say that life is precious but I’ve never found that to be true. If you were to run over an animal by accident, would you mourn it? What if you stepped on an insect? Would you care? What makes it’s life any more or less significant than another’s? and who makes that decision? Again, these are questions posed from the story, Monster. “Not all people’s lives are equal”.

Quick – think of any 2 people you know. Seriously, pick any 2 people you can think of. Now consider their lives in your hands. If you had to choose one to die and one to live, who would you choose? Don’t read on until you’ve reached a decision.

Now, again, think of 2 people and do the scenario again. Do it as many times as you want. Now, how did you determine an answer? On what basis does one life matter more than another? Or does it at all? Can we make those decisions? Are we fit to judge? We are, after all, only human.

When faced with the dilemma regarding the death of one of two people that I posed above, I was able to determine an answer in almost every scenario I thought of. I randomly thought of 2 people I knew and determined which was more worthy of life. I’m going to assume you did as well. Now, for the person that you determined not as worthy to live as the other, how insignificant is their life now when placed under this context. You’ve just deemed them unworthy of existence and you probably came up with the decision rather quickly. If you couldn’t come up with an answer, I would assume that you chose 2 people who’s lives might have equal worth to you. But again, if you run through more and more people, you’ll start to be able to find answers and determine them quickly. The point of this exercise was for you to begin to realize that “Not all people’s lives are equal”.

Despite all the above, I believe the world and the people in it are generally good. Placing myself under the scrutiny of the above dilemma, I would often choose another person’s life over my own. I don’t feel that I’m a “good” person. It may be well hidden but I bring selfishness, arrogance, sloth, pride, envy and a whole mess of negativity to the world. I would gladly sacrifice my life to save someone of whom I feel more worthy of life than me. Just the same, I would end another life to save my own if I felt their life did not have as much worth as mine.

Now, getting back to this person who’s death had jokingly been wished upon. He’s a person not generally well liked, the majority of people that I know who know him as well don’t say nice things about him often, if ever. This person has sensed that we don’t like him and even asked if something was wrong. The fact is, not everyone is well liked by everyone. If you feel that you aren’t, that maybe something is wrong with you, I’m going to blunt here: chances are they’re right. Something IS wrong with you. Now, you can do many things with that realization. Change who you are to accommodate others. Tell everyone else to go fuck themselves and be yourself. Be and accept yourself for who you are but don’t hate everyone. It’s each person’s individual choice whether or not they want to change but if being you hasn’t worked out then you need to adapt if you want things to work. And if you don’t adapt because you don’t care, that’s okay too but just realize that the situation will persist and stop b!tching. I wish I could say all these things to said person of whom I’ve wished death upon, but chances are I won’t. Chances are he doesn’t read my blog either.

**Again, I do plan to expand on this post…To be continued.**

Monster – complete!

Thursday, February 11th, 2010 at 12:47 am

My decrease in posts the last few days has been directly related to my reading of this manga, Monster

A total of 162 chapters, the first volume (Ch1-8) set an awesome premise, full of moral dilemmas and some very real, interesting characters. I thought the story after that was good. Not great. It kept my attention, but just good. But after hitting chapter 70, I began to blow through the rest of the manga, totally addicted to the story and immersed in the world. I could not stop reading, every event seemed to lead into a more intriguing event. A giant puzzle with every chapter slowing revealing small pieces until you see the complete picture.

I doubt I would say I loved this series if the end did not carry out exactly as it did. I was very slightly disappointed with it until I re-read it and realized the true beauty of it. It was perfect. Everything was perfectly done.

I would love to re-read and analyze everything if this didn’t take me so long to read in the first place. Maybe someday. It definitely satisfied my need for some good thought provoking material. Sadly, I think that because I rushed through a lot of it, I didn’t give it the thought it probably deserved. I think I’ll pace myself next time…(yeah right…)

Anyways, very happy. I suggest the read if you liked Death Note (Anime)…or Se7en…or want something dark, disturbing, morally thought provoking….

Now please stand by as I return you to your regularly scheduled life, already in progress.