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Warren Shea

Archive for May, 2013

I don’t know anything about being a manager…

Tuesday, May 7th, 2013 at 12:34 pm

…which is good, cuz I’m not one. (yet?).

I’ve been considering things I would change within the team/department if I were a manager. You can’t keep things the same as is…you have to leave your mark. A new manager is there because things aren’t working/need improvement.

I think my biggest difficulty being a manager would be trying to improve poor performance. It’s unfortunate, but a lot of people think they do a good job but everyone else knows they don’t. So how do you break through their glass of misconception and help them become self-aware? I think that would be my toughest challenge. I’m a blunt person and I generally lack empathy. So it would be difficult to convey such a message if a person does not take it or criticism well. I think that to be a manager, you need a significant understand of the psychology of an individual – that is, you need to know how they work, what makes this happy/angry/sad and most importantly – how to achieve the best results from them. Do they thrive on competition? Do they have a lot of pride? Do they get upset easily? How do they take criticism…all that needs to be considered…and each person is different.

I’m wondering if I should start reading book/learning or anything…for possible future use. If I’m ever put in a managerial role, I’d need to play catch up. So learning now would alleviate that issue…