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Archive for the ‘Introspection’ Category

I’m so unhappy being happy.

Sunday, May 6th, 2012 at 2:10 am

I was cleaning some of my old drafts that were never published.
I cringe to read what some of them say and how some of them were written.

“Was I ever that young, emotional, and stupid?” I ask, despite the posts having been written within the last year or two.

Many of them were rants that I thankfully didn’t post. But it does make me feel like I would cringe reading some of the posts I’ve actually published on here.

I don’t really believe I’m too different a person from a year or two ago. And perhaps I still react the same way given certain emotional stimuli…but I don’t feel that way anymore. I don’t feel like that person that wrote all that stuff. That took all of life’s trivialities and ranted about them. That took daily life and made it bigger than it was. More dramatic.

Yes, there’s definitely drama in my life. I have external drama that keeps me occupied generally…so I haven’t had the need to look within myself and question or argue with myself. Which has caused me to write a lot less.

I’m all drama’d out….right now….and the drama I have, I can’t write about.

I sort of miss it. The passion to write something meaningful or introspective. I’ve had things I wanted to write about lately but they always just…get forgotten. I have little notes on the things I want to write about…but it never really seems worth it. I’ve been walking to work a lot lately…but I’m not really thinking of anything that’s mind blowing. I haven’t figured out anything new…there’s no internal conflict. Am I burnt out? Or have I figured out enough things about myself that it’s really…well, not all that fun anymore.

I know who I am…how I react to things…what bothers me, what doesn’t, and why. I feel like I’ve figured out most of the whys in my life, especially regarding myself…which is really quite upsetting as I live for the whys, the understanding.

I’m happy. I’m out of conflict, drama, and figuring stuff out.
And this life makes me really unhappy.

…that’s so retarded.

Dawson’s Creek: Quotes and thoughts

Monday, April 30th, 2012 at 2:13 am

I recently rewatched Dawson’s Creek. There are a few quotes that I really liked throughout the series. I’ve added them below…

Joey: So what is the best ending in all of literature? Don’t say Ulysses. Everyone says Ulysses.

Professor David Wilder: That’s easy. Sentimental education by Flaubert.

Joey: And what happens?

Professor David Wilder: Nothing, really. Just two old friends sitting around remembering the best thing that never happened to them.

Joey: How do you remember something that never happened?

Professor David Wilder: Fondly. You see, Flaubert believed that anticipation was the purest form of pleasure… and the most reliable. And that while the things that actually happen to you would invariable disappoint, the things that never happened to you would never dim. Never fade. They would always be engraved in your heart with a sort of sweet sadness.

Lily: What’s a soulmate?

Dawson: It’s like a best friend but more. It’s the one person in the world that knows you better than anyone else. Someone who makes you a better person. Actually they don’t make you a better person, you do that yourself because they inspire you. A soulmate is someone who you carry with you forever. It’s the one person who knew you and accepted you and believed in you before anyone else did or when no one else would. And no matter what happens you’ll always love them and nothing can ever change that.

Note that Lily is a small girl. What an obvious writer’s set up to…explain what their interpretation of a soulmate is!

Joey: Stay away from the life and death of it all.

Dawson: It’s interesting how people use that expression, ‘life and death’. As if to imply that life is the opposite of death, but birth is the opposite of death… life, has no opposite.

This was one of the most interesting quotes that caught my attention. The opposite of death would be birth.. So…what is life’s opposite? There are an infinite number of opposites. So why can’t I think of an opposite for life? Isn’t it a spectacular thing that life has no opposite? The life is just so…complex that there would never be anything comparably equal?


I think one of the reasons I like these dramas is (if they have) good writers. That someone more intelligent and philosophical can give me something to think about, that I haven’t considered. That they could word things so perfectly in that they make sense, without being inhuman. I really liked the definition of soulmate above. That definition, in itself, inspires me because while I don’t believe in soulmates…I believe in that definition. Does that make sense?

Tiny Tower….I love/hate you.

Wednesday, March 14th, 2012 at 2:14 am

I started playing Tiny Tower a while ago. And I’m pretty sure I would have stopped by now if not for a co-worker’s competition. It’s unfortunate but both she and I are stupidly competitive. Also, we both (can) have no lives if we so choose. And I’m definitely one to choose that to win something meaningless and stupid. Pride is…a tricky thing.

While I enjoyed playing Tiny Tower in the beginning, I’m very bored of it now. However, I’m SO unwilling to lose and THAT’S definitely driving me. It’s stupid though, it’s subtly more difficult to level. There are 154 (?) level and I’m at around 96. I wager this battle, in which we’ve only been within 10-7 floor apart for 2 weeks (I’m in the lead), will end only when one of us reaches 154. And it’s going to be me. I don’t like to lose. No, I hate it.

Unfortunately, to keep this lead (in which we both progress quite quickly), we both have to play an incredible amount every day. I’m talking like, 5 hours dedicated time a night, followed by periodic checking at all times of the day. I mean, it would be insane if I were doing it alone. But because she’s doing it too….it’s less insane?

So nowadays, I’m just watching shows: Prince of Tennis, classic Simpsons. I just started playing Draw Something on the iPhone. That takes up some time…but both she and I are playing so that’s okay. And coincidentally, we’re both working on a freelance project together. So both of our time is (equallyish) divided doing that. So there’s not a lot of gaining and losing ground unless one of us doesn’t play. Sigh.

I dislike this situation a lot and I find myself cursing the competition I’m in as well as cursing playing Tiny Tower. And I somewhat curse my need to win…but…I’ve kind of accepted it. This is who I am. This is my sickness. And I’ve got to much pride, dedication, stubbornness, and a lack of willpower to stop.

Once I’m done this stupid game, I’m going to focus back on dev. And try not to let this World of Warcraft type behaviour come up again, at least for a while. I barely have the time or chance to blog and I know my posts have gone down because of this. I swear things will get back to normal.

Even as I’m typing this, I’m playing. Sigh.



Monday, February 13th, 2012 at 1:53 am

What I wrote in my last post, written in my half awake delirium, was incorrect. Despite that I’d been thinking about it for a while.

It’s not “Why?” that I always ask. I had this argument with someone recently. She asked “In what way is knowing ‘why?’ important?”. If someone is socially awkward, does it matter why? Were they unpopular in high school? Do they lack self confidence because they’re awkward? Ugly? Did they have no friends? Were their parents abusive? Were their parents strict? Were the bullied? Were they a bully?


And I argued that the answer was yes. But it’s not that it matters…does it? Does it matter what happened in the past? I guess she argued that was really matters is what someone might intend to do about it. She was more oriented towards the future, towards improvement. A great mentality that I hope to be part of mine. But my focus is in the past, and understanding “why”.

So I think that what really intrigues me isn’t asking why, but understanding.

They seem to go hand in hand…asking “Why?” and the understanding behind it.


I recently had a bit of an argument with my gf over something like this. I couldn’t figure out why I get sad and emotional when I watch shows and movies, but she doesn’t. They don’t affect her. I can list a number of people that are similar to me in that, they’ll get emotionally moved watching or reading something. But she’s not one of them…and I can count a number of people that are similar to that too. I guess we’re just different.

But what really bothers me is that I don’t understand it. How can it not affect you emotionally? And she said….that while a show makes her sad, she reads about much sadder things in the news. After all, I get sad about fictional characters. Sure, imo, they’re made to be real….somewhat…and while I know these characters are just that – characters, who they are can be just as real to me as anyone else. Hell, I know characters in shows better than some people in real life. How they would respond to things, etc. I know a writer friend of mine who would agree with me. Her characters are so close to her that they might as well be real.

But I understand that….when you deal with real life, that makes things much more…well, real. Because it is. Ugh, hard to explain. As I’ve said many times, I live a sheltered life. My parents love me, I’m financially okay and I have friends and a support system. I have a good job, and well…there’s not much for me to complain about. My problems are all stupid…which is why I always like a little drama in my life. Whether it be what I watch or what I make myself. But my touch with reality is distant. I don’t read the news, don’t know politics or religion or travelling. I’ve never lost anyone really close to me…ever. So if my gf has dealt with much more pain and difficulty in her life (and I honestly don’t know if she has), all the unrealistic drama seems…well, irrelevant.

But I noticed today, as we watched a “scary” episode of One Tree Hill, that she’s way more intense when “scary” stuff happens. And I’m not. So I place myself in her shoes, with my mentality: “How is it that Warren isn’t affected by this scaryness?” and the answer is simply: I’ve experienced way more intense, scary stuff that this stuff seems like nothing. Not IRL mind you lol but like, in shows…I tell you, Walking Dead (zombies) are far scarier than teenage psycho killers.

So until otherwise, that is my answer to “Why I get sad and emotional when I watch shows and movies, but she doesn’t”. It’s that I haven’t really experienced things sadder and I don’t trivialize fictional situations. Just the same, Z hasn’t experienced scary things and I have so those things on her level of scary doesn’t meet mine.

Seriously though, I will hate the day when I’m old and hardened enough that I can’t get sad watching something because it seems trivial compared to my own loss. I love that a good, emotional moment can affect me.

It sucked that we had an argument about it…but I think that after failing to understand (and thus, being frustrated), giving time to think and understand the situation has really helped me understand it, and myself. And when I understand, I am content. Yes, I know I wrote “understand” so many times in that last sentence…but I’m just giving an example of understanding in my daily life and how I dislike and get mad at things I don’t understand.

I’m ruled by Understanding things. I hate things I don’t understand and my contemplation and introspection is all based around the fundamental basis of understanding.

Seriously, I’m glad I figured this all out. I feel like I understand myself a little better :)

Source Control? No thanks.

Tuesday, January 31st, 2012 at 11:59 pm

I prefer to live life DANGEROUSLY.

I’ve never been a fan of source control, checking things in and out, locked files, merging files, etc. I always found it more tedious than beneficial. After all, I make my own backups during project milestones. And I was one of the 5 or so developers that didn’t properly use Source Control at my work when they tried to implement it, and if one person doesn’t use it, the whole thing crashes down. LOL so basically, I ruined it for everyone else /flex. And no, I don’t feel bad, our team still got along great without it.

I know I’m playing devil’s advocate here. I know Source Control is good. There are few drawbacks and using a few seconds here and there can save hours if something goes wrong.

I think it’s basically just that I’m arrogant, so arrogant in fact that I don’t believe I’d ever make such ridiculous mistakes. After all, I’m perfect. Or at least close to it. Or…more accurately I just try to be. But I guess WE ALL make mistakes…..and when those mistakes happen (as they have in the past), I won’t be ready cuz I’m too arrogant to have used Source Control. Sorry, that was some kind of cyclical argument. Basically, I admit I’m flawed and my arrogance is one of my downfalls.

I was in a meeting last Friday and wrote down “Source Control” and “Arrogance” (beside my doodle of Cyclops from the X-Men) I guess as something to blog about. So here it is. :/

/just wanted to write something