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Warren Shea

Jack of all trades, master of none, though ofttimes better than master of one

Friday, June 25th, 2010 at 1:58 pm

Some people are good at a select few things. Some people specialize in 1 thing. And me…I’m a jack of all trades type person. Sorta. I’m a jack of all trades…within my area of a few things. Does that make sense?

I would say that the area I specialize in is geekdom. I like computers, electronics, gadgets, math, web design, web development, console gaming, pc gaming, comics, anime, manga, cartoons (that’s all I can think of right now).

However, in all of these areas…I’m not particularly awesome or intensely interested at any one thing. I don’t buy a lot of one thing. My interest is spread out (somewhat) evenly on all aspects.

In World of Warcraft, I had 10 80s. 1 character at level 80 of each class so I could experience every class. Some were played more and more geared than others but the idea was to play it all and then choose which one to focus on (which I never did, I liked playing all). On a more precise note….Druid was also my main for most of WoW. A druid itself is a jack of all trades, able to tank, dps and heal. A hybrid class for WoW.

In Web Development, I’ve used Notepad, EditPlus 2, Dreamweaver and Visual Studio. I know HTML, CSS, Javascript extremely well. I know some Ruby on Rails, jQuery. I know ASP Classic VB, PHP, SQL very well. I’m currently learning ASP.NET 3.5/4 C#, jQuery, HTML5….basically, I’m touching upon everything. But I don’t focus on any single thing.

In Web Design and Adobe, I would say I know my Photoshop best but I’m also familiar with Illustrator, Flash, Premiere, Soundbooth. I’ve used all of them a bit, Photoshop the most. I’m not an expert with any single program but I’ve used them all to do a number of things.

In Anime/Manga, I’ve watched my share but I’m in no way an anime fanatic. I have a number of toys/manga/dvds but that’s only 1/2 of my toys/manga/dvds. The other 1/2 is…

Comics/Cartoons. I’ve also watched and owned my share of comics/cartoons but that’s not my only interest.

I like to tinker and take apart electronics. My computer died so many times when I was young because I’d fiddle with it…reformat this, defrag that, regedit this, install virus by accident that. At this point, I know my way around a PC quite well…and next, I want a MacBook or laptop to learn Mac OS and Linux a bit.

I play various consoles, NES, SNES, PS1, PS2, PS3 but I’ve stayed away from Sega and XBox and a couple of Nintendo generation consoles. I PC game DOTA, LOL, WoW, Counter Strike Source, Plants VS Zombies…but I’m not particularly awesome at any of them. I play side scrolling, puzzle, fps, rts games…but I’m not awesome at any one of them (probably best at side scrolling and puzzle games).

Basically, I’m all over the place…and I like that. It does however, prevent me from getting into too much of a detailed discussion when I talk to hardcore gamers, web development experts or anime fanatics.

I kind of wish I was, say, master .NET developer. I wouldn’t be intimidated when I see jobs like that. But then again, I’d be ignoring all the jobs that say Web Developer or PHP Developer, etc.

Anyways…just writing a post on a topic I’ve had for over 6 months. I’ve been noticing and wanting to write about it lately…so here it is

/back to work…tho I’m about to take a 1 week vacation…to study…so things are quiet today :D

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