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Warren Shea

Some changes for warrenshea(.com)

Sunday, October 17th, 2010 at 9:44 pm

I need to make some changes (in life). But I’m going to post about how I’m going to make some changes to and my blog instead.

I’ve decided a couple things.

The first day of every month, I will post
1. What I have accomplished in the month before and
2. What I plan to accomplish in the following month.
I will try to be realistic….

The 15th day of every month, I will post a status of where I am.

The second day of every month, I will post
1. What I plan to buy/receive for that month. It will give me something to look forward to during the month.
2. What I received in the previous month that wasn’t planned.

After my vacation….I might try to do the 9-5 for work. I haven’t done that for months now…
The thing with 10-6 is that when I come in late, I feel guilty if I leave before 6…but once I start to stay past 5, I stay for a lot longer because it gets quiet and I get in my groove.

I’m hoping that with that 9-5 schedule, I can get more a standard schedule. With that, I can judge my tasks and timelines accordingly and not overwhelm myself with tasks. I’m getting too comfortable working overtime….it has become something that occurs far too often lately.

I’ve also decided not to make posting goals (ie. this month – posting 1 post/day) ever again. It led to some of my least proud posts…some that I wanted to post (like how people find me from google) but I wanted them to be written better. I do feel I redeemed some of them with my Reliable to succeed. Passionate to excel. I really like that post and the thought that went around it.

I want to re-categorize and reorganize all my (241 -_-;) posts. I don’t like the categories right now….I don’t even know what’s in Awesomesauce, Epic Fail…

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