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Warren Shea

F. U., WordPress 3.1.2

Saturday, May 21st, 2011 at 10:52 pm

I upgraded my WordPress to 3.1.2 last night….my website was okay, and my WordPress seemed okay.

Since everything was okay, I decided to move my site to In theory, it should have been a smooth transition. It wasn’t. While my site rendered flawlessly (connecting to the database fine, etc), I couldn’t get back in to WordPress. I thought something broke when I migrated it over. I attempted to log in to my WordPress, still on my domain. It didn’t work. I thought I crossed the wires somewhere…so I was trying hard to find out where.

I spent 8 hours today trying to figure out why I couldn’t log in (on either domain) to WordPress. I tried reinstalling WordPress…on BOTH domains and it wouldn’t work. I installed WordPress on a fresh, clean domain. AND IT DIDN’T WORK. WTF. I was getting pretty scared now, worried I might have to transfer all my table stuff over…but WTH, even fresh installs aren’t working. Could it be something on the server? I had even created brand new folders to put my stuff in….New folder + Fresh WP 3.1.2 didn’t work…seriously, WTF.

Anyways….I spent so much time looking at the domain problems because I thought it was all the migration. And after 8 hours, I found out it wasn’t. It was WordPress 3.1.2. Desperate, I decided to try WordPress 3.0.6 and viola, it worked instantly, perfectly, and as intended.

While I do believe the migration had been part of the problem, it seems WordPress 3.1.2 was the real culprit.

Man…I couldn’t log in no matter what I did. My login URL would simply redirect back to the login screen with a querystring of &reauth=1 added on the end. It was brutally annoying. Anyways…yeah, again, reverted back to 3.0.6 and there were no problems.

I think I’ll stick with 3.0.6 for a bit….I’m a bit afraid to upgrade now.

Note: With my PHP Proxy, I modified my so that everyone’s RSS feed did NOT break. Basically, if the ?feed=rss2 querystring exists, then it does a check on and retrieves the XML results and outputs them. Hopefully it makes things seamless to those who link to my blog :)

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