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Warren Shea

Hikaru no Go

Thursday, October 6th, 2011 at 2:33 am

It’s late and I should be sleeping but I just wanted to write about how much I love Hikaru no Go. <3 I re-watched it again while sick this time...burning through each episode. The best part about Hikaru no that I find it's a timeless journey. I often pick random episodes of Prince of Tennis to watch because I can watch almost any match. I often pick the same episodes of Initial D to watch because I like to watch certain battles. I often pick certain episodes of Gundam Seed to watch because I like them. But after I watch these episodes or arcs, I'm pretty much done. The arc/story is over. It gets slow again and I can jump on or off again at any point. I have no attachment to continuing with the character's journey. With Hikaru no Go...while I admit I don't enjoy the first 15 episodes nearly as much as the 60 that follow it, I find that once I start watching, at any point...I just keep watching and watching. The story is long, slow but dramatic. And while there are different moments in Hikaru's life, there aren't story arcs. It's simply watching someone growth and being taken along for the ride. It doesn't have multiple climaxes like women like Gundam Seed, or Initial D does. You don’t watch rising action periods, followed by short climactic periods.

It’s overall slow…but not slow paced. If that makes sense. It’s not low then high then low then high. It’s always rising….
LOL…I’ll explain it as the way I’m thinking of it in my head (warning: a bit nerdy):
Most shows are like a sin or cosine wave. Up and Down.
I think Hikaru no Go is an exponential graph. Slowly exponential, but exponential. Or maybe just linear. Like y = 1/2x or something. It’s good…and gets better. And better. And better. And then you think it can’t get better. But it does. Kind of how Breaking Bad is to me. I can’t think they can keep topping themselves, but somehow they do it. It’s probably the best dramatic show I’ve ever seen in my life.

There’s such a masterful cohesive story and character appearances within the show, it really builds towards a fully explored life. And I love a cohesive story :)

I wish there was more Hikaru no Go.

On nights like this, when I’ve finished the anime, and then gone to the manga for MOAR, MOAR. I just wish there was more Hikaru no Go. It’s not so much I want to see what happens in the end, or to the characters….I want to be there for the rest of the journey.

I’m sad there isn’t more. I just love it so much. And it never once disappointed me. It’s always good…..

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