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Warren Shea

Cutting people off

Sunday, December 4th, 2011 at 3:31 am

“You’re dead to me”

Let me explain (tho I’m not sure I need to). The quote doesn’t mean I would do harm to him/her/them. And I don’t mean that they should die. And I’m not wishing them dead either.
It means that “as far as I’m concerned, you no longer exist to me in any way important”.

It’s not a hard concept to grasp. Occasionally, someone in your life will do something or multiple things that make you realize they have no aspect of importance to your life. They’re not beneficial in any way, and only a hindrance to your time, your emotional state, your monetary situation, your social status, whatever.

They don’t help. They take advantage of you. They endlessly complain. They make you dumber. They make you angrier. All they do is negatively impact your life.

It’s time to cut them off.

You don’t need to necessarily say “You’re dead to me” obviously :) You just ignore their existence a little more…

While I’ve cut many people in my life, for many reasons…there have been a few people in my life recently that I’m finding more a burden than blessing. Despite them being decent people…they’re occasionally causing me unnecessary drama, or making me feel bad about myself. I’ve been ‘hand holding’ some of these people lately, babying them….but I think it’s time to stop. People don’t grow if they don’t allow themselves to grow.

Side rant: It’s not that I don’t like helping people at work, but I don’t like answering questions that people can figure out themselves if they just spend time. I have one guy always ask me stuff that I know he can figure out, because he doesn’t wanna spend the time to debug. It’s faster, and easier to ask me. Well….yes, it’s faster and easier for him but it’s simply a hindrance to me. He doesn’t care tho. Sighhhhh. Makes me >:( . Oh well, I’m sort of a jerk to him/make fun of him so maybe he’ll stop asking me. Of the 2 senior developers, I’m definitely not the nice one :P Yes, it’s petty and mean but that’s the solution I’ve come up with…I think it’s working, so whatever :)

Anyways, I’m just tired of hand holding adults. I mean, despite using the term “adult”, there are always those who behave more like children or teenagers than mature adults, regardless of age. I call those people FAIL HUMANS. I mean, I get that sometimes people need hand holding….but sometimes it’s just really annoying/frustrating. If only some people had this thing called “Common Sense” and “Courtesy”.
In some cases, some people I know have neither. And I’ve lost all use for their friendship in my life.

Squinting my eyes, I whisper “You’re dead to me” under my breath as I think of them.

I just have to remember…to ignore the useless people rather than humor them or give in to their negativity at a moment’s weakness. It’s difficult to stay alert at all times after all.

One Response to “Cutting people off”

  1. ElGranto says:

    Hey Dude,

    Where can I find this channel in V6? I know I could look for it but you’re better at it than I am.

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