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Warren Shea

It’s that time of the year again…

Wednesday, May 26th, 2010 at 10:45 pm

Let me explain this cake.

1. I absolutely LOVE those Loblaws cakes, the colorful ones with tons of sugar….I absolutely <3 LOVE <3 the flowers. Pure sugar. Now, these cakes aren't really socially acceptable, nor are they meant for adults and they're also as unhealthy as a cake can be. For those reasons, I only get the cake once a year...around my birthday (which is today). This is MY cake.

2. Why does it say Christina? Because…I love that sugar icing so much. So I make them write as many letters as I can. “Christina” is 3 letters more than “Warren”. That’s 3 letters more icing I get for free. Also, by saying a girls name, it’s like I’m getting it for someone so it’s less embarrassing for me (cuz what adult gets those cakes -_-;). But admitting this sentence alone shows how sad this all is. Well, too bad…I do stuff like that.

Anyways…I got this cake over a week and a half ago. I ate it all myself within 3 days. That’s just enough time to love it, tolerate it, and feel sick of it…for another year. Except I don’t really get sick of it, I could eat more right now. Dammit I LOVE THOSE SUGAR FLOWERS.

/something you wish you didn’t know about me

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