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Warren Shea

Archive for the ‘Dwarf Hamsters’ Category

My dad vacuumed up one of my hamsters!

Saturday, February 6th, 2010 at 8:21 pm

Note: it wasn’t through the…spinning bottom part of the vacuum, it was with the tube part…and the hamster, though badly injured, survived and lived a somewhat full life.

This actually happened a while ago, before my current hamsters. Still, I couldn’t believe my father had done that. Obviously it was an accident, my father loves my hamsters as much as me. He had so much guilt when he told me, I was shocked, angry, and disappointed, but I didn’t let it show. He felt bad enough already.

But…you know that voice in your head that says “nothing good can come of this”…where was that voice?! was the voice saying “what does hamsters + vacuum = ?”

I guess sh!t happens beyond my understanding…

It makes me question how I was raised though…I turned out okay minus the social anxiety problems, the mild OCD, the mild ADD, the paranoia, and the self-consciousness….right? hmmm….wait a sec…

Dwarf Hamsters

Tuesday, January 26th, 2010 at 6:01 pm

I have 2 dwarf hamsters. Throughout my life I’ve had 7 total. I love them because they’re supa-kawaii (cute) and I envy their lives. I watch them like people watch fish. They sleep all day. They’re active all night. They eat. And they sleep. They have no stress. They don’t travel. They live in a clean environment (most of the time). They have food and water at all times without having to worry about it.

While their general life-span is only 2 years…I believe I would like to be reborn as a dwarf hamster. Not that I believe in that sort of thing. But if I did. Either a dwarf hamster, or a rabbit. Or Kirby. Because Kirby is cute as well. He floats like a cloud. He rides stars and steals people’s powers. This post originally had something important to it…but…I don’t know what happened.
